S1.5.0 - advising and consulting
- Act as a resource person in dance
- Advise contractors
- Advise customers on appropriate pet care
- Advise customers on the preparation of beverages
- Advise horse owners on farriery requirements
- Advise on architectural matters
- Advise on betting
- Advise on building matters
- Advise on communication strategies
- Advise on economic development
- Advise on historical context
- Advise on public image
- Advise on public relations
- Advise on site selection
- Advise supervisors
- Carry out preventative internal medicine interventions
- Collaborate in the drafting of policies
- Consider environmental factors in long-term care for animals
- Consult to produce single malt beverages
- Explain bingo rules
- Give advice to others
- Instruct animal owners
- Interpret tarot cards
- Prepare youths for adulthood
- Provide advice to clients in terms of export restrictions
- Provide geophysical support
- Provide humanitarian advice
- Provide livestock advice and guidance
- Read palms
- Use consulting techniques