S2.1.2 - diagnosing health conditions
- Address side effects of menopause
- Analyse X-ray imagery
- Apply radiological health sciences
- Assess animal nutrition
- Assess animal's condition
- Assess fish health condition
- Assess healthcare users' risk for harm
- Assess nature of injury in emergency
- Assess patients after surgery
- Assess the animal's rehabilitation requirements
- Assess the patient's therapeutic needs
- Carry out a psychiatric assessment of a child
- Carry out an autopsy
- Carry out biopsy
- Carry out neuropsychological testing
- Conceptualise healthcare user's needs
- Conduct cancer screening tests
- Conduct chiropractic examination
- Conduct gross examination of tissues
- Conduct neurological examination
- Conduct patch testing
- Conduct physical examination in emergency
- Conduct physical examinations
- Conduct physiotherapy assessment
- Conduct podiatry consultation
- Conduct polysomnography
- Conduct psychological assessement
- Conduct psychotherapy risk assessments
- Conduct video telemetry
- Determine cause of death
- Determine eye disease progression
- Determine patient's exposure factors
- Diagnose abnormalities of dental-facial structures
- Diagnose advanced nursing care
- Diagnose aquatic animals disease symptoms
- Diagnose brain death
- Diagnose diseases of ear, nose, and throat
- Diagnose diseases of the vascular system
- Diagnose disorders of the urogenital system
- Diagnose genetic diseases
- Diagnose gynaecological disorders
- Diagnose hearing impairement
- Diagnose heart conditions
- Diagnose mental disorders
- Diagnose musculoskeletal conditions
- Diagnose nursing care
- Diagnose patients with immunodeficiencies
- Diagnose problems of the visual system
- Diagnose psychiatric symptoms
- Diagnose respiratory diseases
- Diagnose rheumatic diseases
- Diagnose speech disorders
- Diagnose tropical diseases
- Differentiate between maxillofacial tissues
- Evaluate animal pregnancy
- Evaluate delivery of radiation treatment
- Evaluate the psychological impact of hearing problems
- Evaluate the psychological impact of speech problems
- Examine the new-born infant
- Identify cause of nutritional imbalance
- Identify common aquatic species diseases
- Identify learning disorders
- Identify mental health issues
- Identify patients' behaviours
- Identify the healthcare user's personal capacity
- Interpret diagnostic procedures relevant to vascular surgery
- Interpret electromyograms
- Interpret medical images
- Interpret radiology examinations
- Interpret requests for imaging examinations
- Interpret urology diagnostic tests
- Manage the neuropsychiatric sequelae of stroke
- Perform antepartum fetal monitoring
- Perform bronchoscopy
- Perform cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Perform chiropractic examinations
- Perform clinical neurophysiological examinations
- Perform comprehensive eye examinations
- Perform dental clinical examination
- Perform diagnostic imaging procedures
- Perform diagnostic testing for allergies
- Perform gross post mortem examination on animals
- Perform gynecological examination
- Perform health assessment
- Perform ocular tonometry
- Perform oral health diagnosis
- Perform transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Perform virological test
- Prepare patients for assessments
- Prioritise youths' psychiatric care needs
- Provide chiropractic diagnosis
- Provide dietetic diagnosis
- Provide health psychological diagnosis
- Provide osteopathic diagnosis
- Provide physiotherapy diagnosis
- Provide strategies of differential diagnosis
- Review patient's medical data
- Screen fitness clients
- Screen patients for disease risk factors
- Test for emotional patterns
- Undertake healthcare examination
- Use clinical assessment techniques