Advertise auction sales


Promote auction sales on radio and TV, in trade magazines, online and via catalogue distribution and other channels.

Alternative labels

advertising an auction sale
advocate auction sales
market auction sales
advertising auction sales
endorse auction sales
promote auction sales
advertise an auction sale

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Advertise auction sales is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Auctioneer: Auctioneers conduct auctions by accepting bids and declaring goods sold.

Optional skill

Advertise auction sales is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Auction house manager: Auction house managers are responsible for the staff and activities in an auction house. Moreover, they manage the finances and marketing aspects of the auction house.




  1. Advertise auction sales – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022