Defend the interests of the inventor or manufacturer when appealing for patents at the relevant patent office. Make sure application deadlines are met, also when applying for renewal.
Alternative labels
prepare patent application
submit patent applications
apply for patent
request patents
applying for patent
applying for patents
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Apply for patents is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Optional skill
Apply for patents is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Intellectual property consultant: Intellectual property consultants provide advice on the usage of intellectual property assests such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks. They help clients to value, in monetary terms, intellectual property portfolios, to follow adequate legal procedures for protecting of such property, and to perform patent brokerage activities.
Patent engineer: Patent engineers advise companies on different aspects of intellectual property law. They analyse inventions, and research their economic potential. They check if patent rights have already been given out for an invention and ensure that these rights have not been affected or violated.
- Apply for patents – ESCO