Attend music recording sessions


Attend recording sessions in order to make changes or adaptations to the musical score.

Alternative labels

join music recording sessions
listen in on music recording sessions
go to music recording sessions
attend music recording session
attending music recording sessions
participate in music recording sessions

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Attend music recording sessions is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Music director: Music directors lead musical groups such as orchestras and bands during live performances or recording sessions. They organise the music and composition, coordinate the playing musicians and record the performance. Music directors are professionals working in diverse places such as the film industry, music videos, radio stations, musical ensembles or schools.
Sound editor: Sound editors create the soundtrack and sound effects for motion pictures, television series or other multimedia productions. They are responsible for all the music and sound featured in the movie, series or videogames. Sound editors use equipment to edit and mix image and sound recordings and make sure that the music, sound and dialogue is synchronised with and fits in the scene. They work closely together with the video and motion picture editor.

Optional skill

Attend music recording sessions is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Disc jockey: Disc jockeys mix music from various sources using turntables or a mixing console and play music at events in front of a live audience. They may provide the music on the radio. They select the music played on the radio and make sure that it is broadcasted according to schedule. Disc jockeys can also create mixes for later distribution and playback.
Lyricist: Lyricists interpret the style of a music piece and write words to accompany the melody. They work together with the music composer.




  1. Attend music recording sessions – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022