Check official documents


Check an individuals’ official documentation, such as driver’s licenses and identification, to ensure compliance with legal regulations, and to identify and assess individuals.

Alternative labels

assess official documents
spot check official documents
audit official documents
spot check official licences and identification paperwork
investigate official licences and identification paperwork
audit official licences and identification paperwork
investigate official documents
assess official licences and identification paperwork

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Check official documents is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Security guard: Security guards observe, detect irregularities and protect people, buildings and assets. They maintain security at all times by patrolling designated property areas, controlling access at entrances, watching alarm and video recording systems, asking suspicious individuals for identification and reporting infractions and law breaching activities.
Social security officer: Social security officers advise clients on social security benefits and ensure they claim the benefits they are eligible for, as well as providing advice on promotions and other available support services such as employment benefits. They aid clients in applications for benefits such as sickness, maternity, pensions, invalidity, unemployment and family benefits. They investigate the client’s right to benefits by reviewing their case and researching legislation and the claim, and suggest an appropriate course of action. Social security advisers also determine the aspects of a specific benefit.
Civil registrar: Civil registrars collect and record acts of birth, marriage, civil partnership and death.
Customs officer: Customs officers combat the importation of illegal goods, firearms, drugs or other dangerous or illegal items while checking the legality of items brought across national borders. They are government officials who control the documents to ensure entry criteria and custom laws are complied with and control if the custom taxes are paid correctly.
Immigration officer: Immigration officers monitor the eligibility of people, food, electronic devices and merchandise entering a country via an entry point. They use surveillance methods and check identification and documents to ensure entry criteria and custom laws are complied with. They can also conduct interviews with prospective immigrants to verify eligibility and inspect cargo to identify and detect violations.
Gate guard: Gate guards control the access and exit to buildings, warehouses or other type of property to prevent unauthorized presence and unwanted incidents. They prevent and identify theft of corporate property, investigate suspicious activities and write reports. Gate guards may assist employees or visitors with requests or indications. They use handheld radio stations to communicate and operate alarm systems and computers.
Passport officer: Passport officers provide passports and other travel documents such as certificates of identity and refugee travel documents. They also keep record of all provided passports.
Airport security officer: Airport security officers interact with passengers to ensure smooth transition between areas of the airport, compliant with safety regulations. They perform searches of passengers, their ID and baggage in order to ensure safety and to prevent illegal activity.
Notary: Notaries ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of official documents such as declarations, certificates, contracts, deeds and purchases. They examine the documents, witness the signing and authenticate them. They administer oaths and affirmations and perform other acts of notarisation.
Parliamentary assistant: Parliamentary assistants provide support to officials and politicians of regional, national and international parliaments and undertake logistical tasks. They revise official documents and follow procedures set by the respective parliaments. They support on the communication with stakeholders and provide the logistical support required in handling official processes.
Immigration adviser: Immigration advisers aid people seeking to move from one nation to another by advising them on immigration legislation, and assisting them in obtaining the necessary documentation to ensure the immigration process occurs in accordance with immigration laws.

Optional skill

Check official documents is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Court clerk: Court clerks provide assistance to judges in a court institution. They handle enquiries on court proceedings, and assist judges in various tasks such as performing legal research in preparation of cases or writing opinion pieces. They also contact parties involved in cases and brief judges and other court officials.
Security guard supervisor: Security guard supervisors monitor and oversee the activities of guards who protect properties from vandalism acts and theft. They assign areas to be patrolled by guards on a regular basis, transfer the individual caught trespassing to police custody and develop safety plans and drills for the buildings and employees under their supervision.
Licensing officer: Licensing officers process licence applications and provide advice on licensing legislation. They also perform investigative duties to ensure the applicant is eligible for the requested licence, ensure licence fees are paid in a timely manner, and ensure compliance with legislation.
Tax compliance officer: Tax compliance officers collect fees, debt, and taxes on behalf of government institutions in cities, municipalities and other jurisdictions. They perform administrative duties and communicate with other officials and institutions to ensure operations are correct and compliant with policies.
Intelligence officer: Intelligence officers develop and execute plans to gather information and intelligence. They investigate the lines of enquiry which would provide them with the necessary intelligence, and contact and interview people who may provide intelligence. They write reports on their results, and perform administrative duties to ensure records maintenance.
Street warden: Street wardens patrol designated areas to ensure a sense of security with the public, and provide general support. They monitor suspicious behaviour and cooperate with the police and other local institutions to maintain the community’s safety and well-being, and enforce law and issue penalties when necessary.
Public funding advisor: Public funding advisors advise individuals and businesses about funding opportunities given by the government. They analyse the needs of clients, consult them on funds, grants and subsidies that apply to them and help with the application process. Public funding advisors also set up public grant administration in organisations.
Police officer: Police officers use investigation methods to prevent crime, to pursue and apprehend criminals, and protect the public from violent and criminal activities. They perform surveillance and patrol activities to prevent crimes and apprehend offenders. They provide support to victimised parties and the public at large, and fulfil administrative duties.
Tax advisor: Tax advisors use their expertise in tax legislation to provide commercially-focused advisory and consultancy services to a wide range of clients from all economic sectors. They explain complicated tax-related legislation to their clients and assist them in ensuring the most efficient and beneficial payment of taxes by devising tax-efficient strategies. They also inform them of fiscal changes and developments and may specialise in tax strategies concerning mergers or multinational reconstruction for business clients, trust and estate taxes for individual clients etc.
Court bailiff: Court bailiffs maintain order and security in courtrooms. They transport offenders to and from the courtroom, ensure necessary supplies are present in the courtroom, and investigate the premises and examine individuals to ensure there are no threats. They also open and close court, and call witnesses.
Police trainer: Police trainers train probationary, new academy recruits, or cadets, and seasoned veterans on the theory and practice necessary to become a police officer. They conduct theoretical lectures on academic subjects such as law, government regulations, community relations and human diversity. Police academy instructors also provide more hands-on, practical instruction regarding physical training, the care of firearms, first aid, self defensive tactics and vehicle operations. They also prepare and develop lesson plans and new training programmes as new law enforcement-related regulations and issues arise. The instructors monitor the students’ progress, evaluate them individually and prepare performance evaluation reports.
Grants management officer: Grants management officers work professionally in the administration and management of grant funds. They look at grant applications from individuals, charities, community groups or university research departments and decide whether to award funding given out by charitable trusts, government or public bodies or not. However, sometimes they may refer the grant application to a senior officer or committee.
Customs and excise officer: Customs and excise officers approve or deny the passage of goods through customs barriers for international business and ensure compliance with consignment legislation. They facilitate communication between import and export trading institutions and government officials, and are responsible for taxation calculation and ensuring payment.
Civil enforcement officer: Civil enforcement officers patrol the streets to enforce parking restrictions, ensure a free flow of traffic is maintained, ensure the safety of pedestrians, and ensure traffic and parking laws are complied with. They aid with the combating of crime and crime reduction by providing assistance during incidents and providing patrol services.
Grants administrator: Grants administrators handle the pass-through track of grants, often given out by the government to the grant recipient. They prepare the paperwork such as the grant applications and give out the grants. They are also responsible to make sure that the grant recipient spends the money correctly according to the terms laid out.
Coastguard watch officer: Coastguard watch officers patrol and survey coast and sea regions to prevent accidents, as well as perform search and rescue missions in the event of an emergency. They react to emergency calls, advise on safety procedures, and prevent accidents and illegal activity at sea. Coastguard watch officers investigate shipping activities and aid during pollution incidents and in flood relief.
Security consultant: Security consultants provide security services to clients and individuals that help them preventing, planning and mitigating threats such as terrorism, espionage, theft, and violence to their organisation, including the buildings, operations, and employees. The services they provide depend on their clients’ security needs and requirements and may include services such as threat analysis, security risk management, security programme development.
Tax inspector: Tax inspectors are responsible for the calculation of taxation and the ensurance of its timely payment by individuals and organisations. They provide information and guidance concerning taxation legislation and examine financial documents and accounts to ensure compliance with legislation. They also examine records to investigate fraud.
Bodyguard: Bodyguards offer protection to their clients against injury, attacks and harassment. They accompany individuals such as politicians and actors to various events and gatherings. Bodyguards observe the surrounding environment, anticipate threats and respond to security emergencies. They may carry and use guns.




  1. Check official documents – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022