
Counsel clients


Assist and guide clients to overcome their personal, social, or psychological issues.

Alternative labels

provide counseling
assist and guide clients
provide counselling

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Counsel clients is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Medium: Mediums claim to act as communicators between the natural world and the spiritual world.  They convey statements or images which they claim have been provided by spirits and that can have significant personal and often private meanings to their client.
Psychologist: Psychologists study the behaviour and mental processes in humans. They provide services to clients who deal with mental health issues and life issues such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. They also provide counselling for mental health issues such as eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, and psychosis in order to help the clients rehabilitate and reach a healthy behaviour.
Career guidance advisor: Career guidance advisors provide guidance and advice to adults and students on making educational, training and occupational choices and assist people in managing their careers, through career planning and career exploration. They help identify options for future careers, assist beneficiaries in the development of their curriculum and help people reflect on their ambitions, interests and qualifications. Career guidance advisors may provide advice on various career planning issues and make suggestions for lifelong learning if necessary, including study recommendations. They may also assist the individual in the search for a job.
Health psychologist: Health psychologists deal with the various aspects of health related behaviour of individuals and groups, by helping individuals or groups prevent illness and promote healthy behaviours by also providing counseling services. They perform tasks for the development of health promotion activities and projects on the basis of psychological science, research findings, theories, methods and techniques. They also engage in research about health related issues to influence public policy on health care issues.
Psychotherapist: Psychotherapists assist and treat healthcare users with varying degrees of psychological, psychosocial, or psychosomatic behavioural disorders and pathogenic conditions by means of psychotherapeutic methods. They promote personal development and well-being and provide advice on improving relationships, capabilities, and problem-solving techniques. They use science-based psychotherapeutic methods such as behavioural therapy, existential analysis and logotherapy, psychoanalysis or systemic family therapy in order to guide the patients in their development and help them search for appropriate solutions to their problems. Psychotherapists are not required to have academic degrees in psychology or a medical qualification in psychiatry. It is an independent occupation from psychology, psychiatry, and counselling.
Clinical psychologist: Clinical psychologists diagnose, rehabilitate, and support individuals affected by mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders and problems as well as mental changes and pathogenic conditions through use of cognitive tools and appropriate intervention. They use clinical psychological resources on the basis of psychological science, its findings, theories, methods, and techniques for the investigation, interpretation, and prediction of human experience and behaviour.
Life coach: Life coaches help clients set clear objectives for their personal development and help them achieve their goals and personal vision. They provide counselling and guidance and establish progress reports in order to keep track of their clients’ achievements.

Optional skill

Counsel clients is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Debt collector: Debt collectors compile debt owned to the organisation or third parties, mostly in cases when the debt is past its due date.

Special educational needs itinerant teacher: Special educational needs itinerant teachers instruct disabled or sick children in their homes. They are specialised teachers employed by (public) schools to teach those unable to physically attend school, but also to assist the student, the parents and the school in their communication. They also fulfil the function of a social school worker by helping the students and parents with a student’s potential behavioural issues and enforce, if necessary, school attendance regulations. In case of a possible physical (re)admission to school, visiting teachers advise the school regarding suitable classroom guidance strategies and advisable teaching methods to support the student and make the transition as agreeable as possible.
Assistant clinical psychologist: Assistant clinical psychologists aid psychologists in their work. They work in healthcare facilities or private practices where they assist psychologists with their treatment of patients. Assistant clinical psychologists are healthcare professionals that can assess patients with psychological tests and aid with therapy, as well as performing administrative functions.




  1. Counsel clients – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022