Monitor extraction logging operations


Monitor logging operations and oversee formation testing and sampling operations; analyse and interpret results.

Alternative labels

oversee extraction logging
monitoring extraction operations logging
monitor extraction operations logging
extraction logging operations monitoring
extraction logging supervision
supervise extraction logging
supervision of extraction logging
monitoring of extraction logging operations
monitoring extraction logging operations
overseeing extraction logging

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Monitor extraction logging operations is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Liquid fuel engineer: Liquid fuel engineers evaluate liquid fuel extraction sites. They design and develop methods for extracting liquid fuels from underneath the earth’s surface, these fuels include petroleums, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, non-petroleum fossil fuels, biodiesel and alcohols. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.
Petroleum engineer: Petroleum engineers evaluate gas and oil fields. They design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from underneath the earth’s surface. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.

Optional skill

Monitor extraction logging operations is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Oil and gas production manager: Oil and gas production managers coordinate and implement short and medium term oil and gas production schedules and plans, such as drilling, extraction operations and waste management. They steer one or more units and oversee the implementation of technical and human means, within the framework of objectives of volume, quality and planning. Oil and gas production managers design and ensure that the production plans and schedules are met.
Chemical metallurgist: Chemical metallurgists are involved in the extraction of useable metals from ores and recycleable material. They study the properties of metal, such as corrosion and fatigue.
Metallurgist: Metallurgists specialise in the extraction and processing of metals such as iron, steel, zinc, copper and aluminium. They work to mold or combine both pure and mixed metals (alloys) into new shapes and properties. Metallurgists handle the extraction of metal ores and develop their use in metal processing techniques. They may work in both manufacturing or do scientific research about the performance of metals.




  1. Monitor extraction logging operations – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022