Identify the strengths and weaknesses of various abstract, rational concepts, such as issues, opinions, and approaches related to a specific problematic situation in order to formulate solutions and alternative methods of tackling the situation.
Alternative labels
critically address problems
thinking critically about problems
think about problems critically
addressing problems critically
think critically about problems
critically addressing problems
thinking about problems critically
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Address problems critically is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Oil and gas production manager: Oil and gas production managers coordinate and implement short and medium term oil and gas production schedules and plans, such as drilling, extraction operations and waste management. They steer one or more units and oversee the implementation of technical and human means, within the framework of objectives of volume, quality and planning. Oil and gas production managers design and ensure that the production plans and schedules are met.
ICT test analyst: ICT test analysts work in testing environments, assessing products, checking for quality and accuracy, or creating tests scripts. They design tests which are then implemented by testers.
Paramedic in emergency responses: Paramedics in emergency responses provide emergency care to sick, injured, and vulnerable persons in emergency medical situations, before and during transport to a medical facility. They implement and oversee the transfer of the patient in connection with transport. They provide assistance in acute situations, implement life-saving emergency measures, and monitor the performance of the transportation process. As allowed by national law they may also provide oxygen, certain drugs, the puncture of peripheral veins and infusion of crystalloid solutions and perform endotracheal intubation if needed for the immediate prevention of threats for the life or health of an emergency patient.
Child care social worker: Child care social workers provide social services to children and their families in order to improve their social and psychological functioning. They aim to maximize family’s well-being and protect children from abuse and neglect. They assist adoption arrangements and find foster homes where needed.
Software tester: Software testers perform software tests. They may also plan and design them. They may also debug and repair software although this mainly corresponds to designers and developers. They ensure that applications function properly before delivering them to internal and external clients.
Mine manager: Mine managers control, direct, plan and coordinate mining production activities. They have statutory responsibility for safety and are also responsible for environmental impact. They oversee the acquisition, installation, maintenance and storage of mining plant and equipment. They lead and manage according to the organisation’s code of conduct.
Mine geologist: Mine geologists locate, identify, quantify and classify mineral resources and their geological characteristics and structure. They provide advice to mine managers and engineers at existing and prospective mineral operations.
Consultant social worker: Consultant social workers deliver high quality social work services by contributing to the development and improvement of social work and social care practice. They contribute to policy development, deliver trainings and focus on research in the field of social work practices.
Specialist nurse: Specialist nurses promote and restore people’s health, and diagnose and care within a specific branch of the nursing field. Examples of such specialist nursing jobs include but are not restricted to; ambulatory care nurse, advanced practice nurse, cardiac nurse, dental nurse, community health nurse, forensic nurse, gastroenterology nurse, hospice and palliative care nurse, paediatric nurse, public health nurse, rehabilitation nurse, renal nurse and school nurse. Specialist nurses are general care nurses prepared beyond the level of a nurse generalist and authorised to practice as specialists with specific expertise in a branch of the nursing field.
Education welfare officer: Education welfare officers address the social and psychological well-being of students. They counsel students concerning their personal issues that affect their school behaviour, performance and social life. These issues may range from attention deficit problems, to social and personal issues such as poverty or domestic and sexual abuse. Education welfare officers also handle the communication between the students, the parents and the school.
Environmental mining engineer: Environmental mining engineers oversee the environmental performance of mining operations. They develop and implement environmental systems and strategies to minimise environmental impacts.
Digital games tester: Digital games testers review and test various genres of digital games by playing them in order to find bugs and glitches within the game’s functionality or graphics. They may evaluate the capacity of attraction and playability of games. They may also debug the games themselves.
Advanced nurse practitioner: Advanced nurse practitioners are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health, provide diagnosis and care in advanced settings, coordinating care within areas of chronic disease management, providing integrated care, and supervising assigned team members. Advanced nurse practitioners are general care nurses who have acquired an expert knowledge base, complex decision making skills and clinical competencies for expanded clinical practice on advanced level.
Social work practice educator: Social work practice educators teach, supervise and assess social work students prior, during and after they have obtained their degree. They contribute to their placement and have the authority to recommend students on the basis of appropriate evidence.
Social work researcher: Social work researchers manage research projects aiming to investigate and provide reports on social issues. They first perform research by gathering information through interviews, focus groups and questionnaires; followed by organising and analysing the gathered information using computer software packages. They analyse social problems and needs, and the different ways and techniques to respond to them.
Gerontology social worker: Gerontology social workers provide assistance to elderly individuals and their families helping them to cope with their biopsychosocial needs. They help connecting the elderly with community resources by gathering information about the array of services available to them. Gerontology social workers assess their clients’ needs, functional capacity and health problems and liaise with medical professionals when necessary.
Drilling engineer: Drilling engineers develop and supervise the drilling of gas and oil wells. They assist in the designing, testing and creation of wells and are employed on land or offshore platforms. Drilling engineers work with other mining professionals and oversee the drilling progress and safety of the site.
Explosives engineer: Explosives engineers design drilling patterns and determine the amount of explosives required. They organise and supervise controlled blasts and report and investigate misfires. They manage explosives magazines.
Underground heavy equipment operator: Underground heavy equipment operators control heavy-duty mining equipment such as cutting and loading equipment to excavate and load ore and raw mineral at underground mines.
Liquid fuel engineer: Liquid fuel engineers evaluate liquid fuel extraction sites. They design and develop methods for extracting liquid fuels from underneath the earthâs surface, these fuels include petroleums, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, non-petroleum fossil fuels, biodiesel and alcohols. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.
Surface miner: Surface miners perform a wide range of ancillary surface mining operations, often involving a high level of spatial awareness, such as pumping, dust suppression and the transport of materials including sand, stone and clay to the point of production.
Social worker: Social workers are practice-based professionals who promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. They interact with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities in order to provide various forms of therapy and counselling, group work, and community work. Social workers guide people to use services to claim benefits, access community resources, find jobs and training, obtain legal advice or deal with other local authority departments.
Youth offending team worker: Youth offending team workers support young offenders by preventing them from reoffending, counselling them for behavioural changes, referring them to agencies that provide housing, helping them back into education, involving them in constructive activities, visiting them when located in secure institutions and assessing future risks.
Benefits advice worker: Benefits advice workers guide individuals in the social work area to help them solve specific problems in their personal life by addressing personal and relationship issues, inner conflicts, depression and addictions. They attempt to empower individuals to achieve change and improve the quality of their life. They may also support and advise clients on demanding their social security benefits.
Underground miner: Underground miners perform a wide range of ancillary underground mining operations such as inspections, conveyor attendance and the transport of equipment and consumable materials from the surface to the point of extraction underground.
Process metallurgist: Process metallurgists study the characteristics of ores including copper, nickel and iron ores and the performance of various metals and alloys.
ICT accessibility tester: ICT accessibility testers evaluate websites, software applications, systems or user interface components with regards to friendliness, operability of the navigation and visibility to all types of users, especially including those with special needs or disabilities.
ICT system tester: ICT system testers perform testing activities and some test planning activities. They may also debug and repair ICT systems and components although this mainly corresponds to designers and developers. They ensure that all systems and components function properly before delivering them to internal and external clients.
Public housing manager: Public housing managers develop strategies for the improvement of housing policy in a community, as well as providing social housing to those in need. They identify housing needs and issues, and supervise resource allocation. They also communicate with organisations involved in building public housing facilities, and social service organisations.
ICT usability tester: ICT usability testers ensure compliance with requirements and strive for optimal usability within the software engineering cycle phases (analysis, design, implementation, and deployment). They also work closely with users (analysts) to research for and document user profiles, analyse tasks, workflows, and user scenarios.
Mine development engineer: Mine development engineers design and coordinate mine development operations such as crosscutting, sinking, tunnelling, in-seam drivages, raising, and removing and replacing overburden.
Mineral processing engineer: Mineral processing engineers develop and manage equipment and techniques to successfully process and refine valuable minerals from ore or raw mineral.
Hydrogeologist: Hydrogeologists in mining study the distribution, quality and flow of water in order to keep mine workings free of nuisance water and to ensure an adequate supply of process water. They supply and evaluate information which will protect ground and surface water from contamination.
Rescue centre manager: Rescue centre managers supervise operations of a rescue centre, performing administrative duties and supervision of staff. They ensure that the centre operates according to policies and staff perform rescue missions in a safe, efficient and compliant manner.
Clinical social worker: Clinical social workers provide therapy, counselling, and intervention services to clients. They treat clients with personal struggles, namely mental illness, addiction, and abuse, advocating for them and helping them gain access to the necessary resources. They also focus on the impact of medical and public health issues within social aspects.
Homelessness worker: Homelessness workers provide on-the-spot assistance, counselling and advice to people who have housing problems or live on the streets. They present them with services available to homeless people starting from hostel vacancies to financial aid services. They may have to cope with persons with mental health problems, addictions or victims of domestic or sexual abuse.
Data quality specialist: Data quality specialists review organisation’s data for accuracy, recommend enhancements to record systems and data acquisition processes and assess referential and historical integrity of data. They also develop documents and maintain data quality goals and standards and oversee an organisation’s data privacy policy and monitor compliance of data flows against data quality standards.
ICT integration tester: ICT integration testers perform tests in groups of system components, units or even applications. They group them in larger aggregates and apply integration test plans on them. They oversee the complexity of relations between different components.
Hospital social worker: Hospital social workers provide counselling to patients and their families helping them to better cope with the illness, the emotions surrounding diagnosis, and with social and financial problems. They work in cooperation with doctors, nurses and other health professionals sensitising them on the emotional aspects of a patient. They act as link between patients and medical staff. Hospital social workers also support the patients and their families with the discharge from the hospital.
Petroleum engineer: Petroleum engineers evaluate gas and oil fields. They design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from underneath the earth’s surface. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.
Crisis situation social worker: Crisis situation social workers provide emergency support and assistance to persons with physical or mental disorders by addressing their distress, impairment, and instability. They assess the level of risk, mobilise client resources, and stabilise the crisis.
Ethical hacker: Ethical hackers perform security vulnerability assessments and penetration tests in accordance with industry-accepted methods and protocols. They analyse systems for potential vulnerabilities that may result from improper system configuration, hardware or software flaws, or operational weaknesses.
Mine planning engineer: Mine planning engineers design future mine layouts capable of achieving production and mine development objectives, taking into account the geological characteristics and structure of the mineral resource. They prepare production and development schedules and monitor progress against these.
Community care case worker: Community care case workers perform assessment and care management. They organise domiciliary services to support vulnerable adults who are living with physical impairment or convalescing, aiming to improve their lives in the community and enabling them to live safely and independently at their own home.
Nurse assistant: Nurse assistants provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. They perform duties such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, move patients or change linens and may transfer or transport patients.
Nurse responsible for general care: Nurses responsible for general care are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends, and families. They also supervise assigned team members.
Victim support officer: Victim support officers provide assistance and counselling to people who were victim of or have witnessed crimes such as sexual assault, domestic abuse or anti-social behaviour. They develop solutions according to the different needs and feelings of persons.
Social work lecturer: Social work lecturers are professionals who exercise dual roles, on one hand they practice the academic discipline that provides social services, such as counselling, therapy or advocacy, to individuals or groups of people and on the other hand they are part of the academic world providing professional education, engaging also in research and knowledge development, contributing to solutions concerning complex social problems and innovative approaches to ameliorate those problems. They teach social work knowledge, skills and values for preparing students to engage in culturally competent social work practice with diverse populations and communities.
Environmental geologist: Environmental geologists study how mineral operations may impact the composition and physical characteristics of the earth and its resources. They provide advice on issues such as land reclamation and environmental pollution.
Midwife: Midwives assist women in childbirth by providing the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, conduct births and provide care for the new-born. They advise on health, preventive measures, preparation for parenthood, detection of complications in mother and child, accessing of medical care, promoting normal birth and carrying out emergency measures.
Family social worker: Family social workers provide emotional and practical help and advice to families that go through difficulties such as addictions, disabilities, sickness, imprisoned parents, marital and financial problems. They provide advice on what is best for the children in relation to their stay with their families or not, depending on the particular situation.
Military welfare worker: Military welfare workers assist families in coping with the deployment in the military of a family member by supporting them through the adjustment process of leaving and returning of the family member. They help teenagers go through the fear of loosing their parents to the military or not recognising their parents at their return. Military and veterans social workers help veterans to re-adapt to civilian life and help them manage sufferings, trauma disorders or griefs.
Criminal justice social worker: Criminal justice social workers tackle criminal behaviour and reduce risk of reoffending by promoting and establishing programs to prevent crime within communities. They assist in prosecutions and help to investigate criminal cases. They assist prisoners reinsert into the community after release from custody. They also support and supervise the offenders sentenced to community service and provide support to the victims and the people closely affected by the crime.
ICT security technician: ICT security technicians propose and implement necessary security updates and measures whenever is required. They advise, support, inform and provide training and security awareness.
Mental health social worker: Mental health social workers assist and provide counselling to people with mental, emotional, or substance abuse problems. They focus on providing personalised support to cases and monitor the recovery process of their clients by providing therapy, crisis intervention, client advocacy and education. Mental health social workers may contribute to mental health services improvement and mental health outcomes for citizens.
Migrant social worker: Migrant social workers provide advice to migrants in order to guide them through the necessary steps of integration, namely living and working in a foreign country. They explain eligibility criteria, rights, and duties. They help migrants in the development and maintenance of their information as clients for further referral to day care, social services and employment programs. Migrant support workers collaborate with employers and inform them of the available migrant services, advocating for migrant clients.
Exploration geologist: Exploration geologists examine and prospect for mineral deposits. They identify, define and obtain legal title to an economically viable mineral deposit. They are responsible for design, management and execution of the exploration programme.
Enterprise development worker: Enterprise development workers support enterprises in solving big social problems by liaising with communities and customers. They strive to improve the productivity of employees and the health of their families by focusing on the work-life balance.
Mine ventilation engineer: Mine ventilation engineers design and manage systems and equipment to ensure fresh air supply and air circulation in underground mines and the timely removal of noxious gases. They co-ordinate ventilation system design with mine management, mine safety engineer and mine planning engineer.
Surface mine plant operator: Surface mine plant operators control heavy-duty equipment such as excavators and dump trucks, often involving a high level of spatial awareness, to excavate, load and transport ore, raw mineral including sand, stone and clay and overburden at quarries and surface mines.
Social work supervisor: Social work supervisors manage social work cases by investigating alleged neglect or abuse cases. They make family dynamics assessment and provide assistance to sick people or with emotional or mental disorders. They train, assist, advise, evaluate and assign work to subordinate social workers making sure that all work is done according to the established policies, laws, procedures and priorities.
Youth worker: Youth workers assist and counsel young people helping them to reach their full potential by facilitating their personal, social and educational growth. They are also involved in managing youth and community projects and resources, delivering programmes related with health, relationships, smoking, drugs or violence issues. Youth workers advocate young people’s interests and collaborate with other organizations that support young people.
Palliative care social worker: Palliative care social workers provide assistance and counselling to patients with a chronic or a terminal disease and their families with the practical arrangements. They arrange the required medical care for the patient and help the family to adjust to the diagnosis by providing support and attention to their emotional needs, helping them to understand their options.
Social services manager: Social services managers have the responsibility for strategic and operational leadership and management of staff teams and resources within and or across social services. They are responsible for the implementation of legislation and policies relating to, for example, decisions about vulnerable people. They promote social work and social care values and ethics, equality and diversity, and relevant codes guiding practice. They are responsible for liaising with other professionals in criminal justice, education and health. They can be responsible for contributing to local and national policy development.
Employment support worker: Employment support workers provide assistance to people with difficulties to find a job and long-term unemployed people. They provide guidance in the creation CVs, searching for job openings, contacting employers, and the preparation for job interviews.
Geochemist: Geochemists study the characteristics and chemical elements in minerals, rocks and soils, and how they interact with hydrological systems. They coordinate the collection of samples and indicate the suite of metals to be analysed.
Community social worker: Community social workers help people in disadvantage or excluded from society to change their situation and handle their integration problems. They work with communities focusing on specific groups. Community social workers liaise closely with social workers, schools, local authorities and probation officers representing people before policy makers at local and national level.
Substance misuse worker: Substance misuse workers provide assistance and counselling to people with substance abuse problems. They monitor their progress, advocate for them, and performe crisis interventions and group therapy. They also assist patients dealing with the consequences of tobacco, alcohol or recreational drugs abuse, which can be problematics as unemployment, physical or mental disorders and poverty.
Mine health and safety engineer: Mine health and safety engineers develop and implement systems and procedures to prevent employee injury and sickness, improve mine working conditions, reduce health and safety risks and prevent damage to equipment and property.
Rehabilitation support worker: Rehabilitation support workers provide counselling to individuals dealing with birth defects or with major consequences caused by diseases, accidents, and burnouts. They help them to cope with personal, social and vocational issues. They assess the personal needs of clients, develop rehabilitation plans, get involved in the training, and help people undergoing a rehabilitation plan with job placement.
Mine production manager: Mine production managers coordinate and implement short and medium term mine production schedules and plans, such as drilling, blasting, ore and mineral extraction, and waste management.
Elderly home manager: Elderly home managers oversee, plan, organise and evaluate the provision of elderly care services for people who are in need of these services due to the effects of ageing. They manage the elderly care home and supervise the activities of the staff.
Mining geotechnical engineer: Mining geotechnical engineers in mining perform engineering, hydrological and geological tests and analyses to improve the safety and efficiency of mineral operations. They oversee the collection of samples and the taking of measurements using geotechnical investigation methods and techniques. They model the mechanical behaviour of the rock mass and contribute to the design of the mine geometry.
Mining assistant: Mining assisstants perform routine duties in mining and quarrying operations. They assist the miners with maintaining equipment, with laying pipes, cables and tunnels, and with removing wast.
Youth centre manager: Youth centre managers plan and supervise the operations of children and youth homes which provide care and counselling services. They assess the needs for youths in the community, develop and implement pedagogical methods, and develop programs for the improvement of youth care in the centre.
Road transport division manager: Road transport division managers maintain control of processes relating to vehicles, staff, customers, routes, and contracts.
Mine safety officer: Mine safety officers oversee health and safety systems at mining operations. They report workplace accidents, compile accident statistics, estimate risks to employee safety and health, and suggest solutions or new measurements and techniques.
Child day care centre manager: Child day care centre managers provide social services to children and their families. They supervise and support child care workers and manage the childcare facilities. Child day care centre managers have the responsibility for strategic and operational leadership and management of staff teams and resources within and or across child care services.
Community development social worker: Community development social workers support individuals, families, and groups in socially or financially deprived areas. They provide leadership and bring local people together to make changes and tackle social inequality, helping people to develop the skills needed to eventually run their own community groups.
Optional skill
Address problems critically is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Quarry engineer: Quarry engineers analyse which extraction methods such as excavating, drilling and blasting are most suited to extract raw materials from the ground. They develop plans before a new quarry is opened, assessing if the quarry is profitable. Quarry engineers manage the everyday operations in a quarry, create and maintain progress reports, oversee the staff, ensure health and safety and assess the environmental impact a quarry has on its environment.
ICT security administrator: ICT security administrators plan and carry out security measures to protect information and data from unauthorised access, deliberate attack, theft and corruption.
Civil engineering technician: Civil engineering technicians help design and execute construction plans and take on organisational tasks, for example in the planning and monitoring, and in bidding and invoicing of construction work. They also calculate material requirements, and help with the purchasing and organising, and ensure the quality of the construction materials. Civil engineering technicians may perform technical tasks in civil engineering and develop and advise on policy implementing strategies for road works, traffic lights, sewerage and water management systems.
Land-based machinery operator: Land-based machinery operators operate specialised equipment and machinery for agricultural production and maintenance of landscape.
Colour sampling operator: Colour sampling operators apply colours and finish mixes according to the defined recipes. They apply pigments, dyes or other finishing mixes.
Leather measuring operator: Leather measuring operators use machines to measure the surface area of leather and ensure that the machines are regularly calibrated. They note the size of leather and ensure its recording for further invoicing.
Freight inspector: Freight inspectors determine if freight is secure and comes with the proper documentation. They inspect, manage and document freight shipments while verifying that the content comply with local, national and international regulations.
Ombudsman: Ombudsmen resolve disputes between two parties where there is a power imbalance, as an impartial mediator. They interview the parties involved and investigate the case in order to come to a resolution beneficial to both parties. They advise on conflict resolution and offer support to clients. The claims are mostly against public institutions and authorities.
After-sales service technician: After-sales service technicians provide after-sales service support to customers, such as the installation, maintenance and repair of the sold products. They take corrective actions to ensure customers’ satisfaction, resolve technical product-related issues and write customer summary reports.
Airport operations officer: Airport operations officers perform supervisory and administrative work monitoring operational activities on an assigned shift at a large airport. They ensure the safe take-off and landing of aircrafts
Journalist: Journalists research, verify and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, television and other broadcast media. They cover political, economic, cultural, social and sport events. Journalists must conform to ethical codes such as freedom of speech and right of reply, press law and editorial standards in order to bring objective information.
Geophysicist: Geophysicists study the physical characteristics of the earth and apply physical measurements to geological situations. Geophysicists use the principles of gravity, seismicity and electromagnetics to identify the structure and composition of the earth.
Database developer: Database developers program, implement and coordinate changes to computer databases based on their expertise of database management systems.
Quarry manager: Quarry managers plan, oversee and coordinate quarry operations. They coordinate extraction, processing and transportation and ensure these processes run smoothly and according to health and safety standards. Quarry managers ensure the successful running of the quarry and implement company strategies and guidelines.
Metallurgist: Metallurgists specialise in the extraction and processing of metals such as iron, steel, zinc, copper and aluminium. They work to mold or combine both pure and mixed metals (alloys) into new shapes and properties. Metallurgists handle the extraction of metal ores and develop their use in metal processing techniques. They may work in both manufacturing or do scientific research about the performance of metals.
Technical sales representative: Technical sales representatives act for a business to sell its merchandise while providing technical insight for customers.
Civil engineer: Civil engineers design, plan, and develop technical and engineering specifications for infrastructure and construction projects. They apply engineering knowledge in a vast array of projects, from the construction of infrastructure for transportation, housing projects, and luxury buildings, to the construction of natural sites. They design plans that seek to optimise materials and integrate specifications and resource allocation within the time constraints.
Stevedore superintendent: Stevedore superintendents supervise and monitor the freight handling and longshore labor in a dockyard to maximise productivity. They manage the loading and unloading of cargo and monitor the safety of the work area. Stevedore superintendents may also investigate incidents and prepare accident reports.
Mine electrical engineer: Mine electrical engineers supervise the procurement, installation and maintenance of mining electrical equipment, using their knowledge of electrical and electronic principles. They organise the replacement and repair of electrical equipment and components.
Refining machine operator: Refining machine operators tend machines to refine crude oils, such as soybean oil, cottonseed oil, and peanut oil. They tend wash tanks to remove by-products and remove impurities with heat.
Veterinary receptionist: Veterinary receptionists provide reception and office/administrative support in a veterinary practice, scheduling appointments and receiving clients, sale and advice on animal related products, in accordance with national legislation.
Merchandiser: Merchandisers are responsible for positioning goods following standards and procedures.
Mine mechanical engineer: Mine mechanical engineers supervise the procurement, installation, removal and maintenance of mining mechanical equipment, using their knowledge of mechanical specifications. They organise the replacement and repair of mechanical equipment and components.
Critic: Critics write reviews of literary, musical and artistic works, restaurants, movies, television programs and other themes for newspapers, journals, magazines, radio, television and other media. They evaluate theme, expression and technique. Critics make judgements based on their personal experience and knowledge.
- Address problems critically – ESCO