Perform inspection analysis


Investigate and report on inspection procedures, techniques, equipment and materials.

Alternative labels

report on inspection procedures
investigate on inspection procedures
perform inspection analyses

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Perform inspection analysis is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Utilities inspector: Utilities inspectors examine products, systems and machiney such as sewer, water, gas or electric turbines ensuring they are built and functioning according to regulations. They write inspection reports and provide recommendations to improve the systems and repair the broken components.

Official veterinarian: Official veterinarians are professionals with a comprehensive scientific education. They have the authority to carry out, in an independent, ethical and personally responsible capacity all veterinary activities with particular focus on the health and welfare of animals and public health in accordance with national and international legislation. They are responsible for national animal disease eradication programmes, the protection of public health and food or animal inspection, animal movements, and import and export of live animals and their products.
Railway infrastructure inspector: Railway infrastructure inspectors are responsible for checking the conditions of railways. They monitor compliance to health and safety standards and inspect the infrastructure to detect damage or flaws. They analyse and report on their findings to ensure railway conditions are maintained at a safe level.
Agricultural inspector: Agricultural inspectors monitor agricultural operations in farms and other agricultural facilities. They inspect activities such as health and safety measures, costs and production processes to ensure that workers and their activities comply with proper legislation and standards. Agricultural inspectors also analyse and report on their findings.
Food safety inspector: Food safety inspectors carry out inspections in food processing environments from a food safety standpoint. They are part of official control bodies who check and control food products and processes to ensure compliance with regulations and laws governing safety and health.

Optional skill

Perform inspection analysis is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Hand luggage inspector: Hand luggage inspectors check individuals’ luggage to detect potential threatening objects. They comply with public safety regulations and company’s procedure.




  1. Perform inspection analysis – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022