Support gifted students


Assist students showing great academic promise or with an unusually high IQ with their learning processes and challenges. Set up an individual learning plan catered to their needs.

Alternative labels

supports gifted students
help gifted students
assist gifted students
supporting gifted students
support gifted student
advise gifted students

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Support gifted students is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Teacher of talented and gifted students: Talented and gifted students co-ordinators ensure suitable education is provided to talented and gifted students, commonly children and young adults, on various levels. They oversee the implementation of the school’s gifted policy, monitor the students’ progress, and suggest extra activities to stretch and stimulate.

Optional skill

Support gifted students is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Primary school teacher: Primary school teachers instruct students on a primary school level. They develop lesson plans in line with curriculum objectives for the variety of subjects they teach, including mathematics, languages, nature studies and music. They monitor the students’ learning development and evaluate their knowledge and skills on the subjects taught through tests. They build their course content on the students’ knowledge of previous learnings and encourage them to deepen their understanding on the subjects they are interested in. They use class resources and teaching methods to create an inspiring learning environment. Primary school teachers also contribute to school events and communicate with parents and administrative staff.
Learning support teacher: Learning support teachers assist students who have general learning difficulties. Learning support teachers focus on basic skills such as numeracy and literacy and thus teach basic subjects such as writing, reading, math and languages and they work for an educational institution such as a primary or secondary school. They support students in their school work, plan learning strategies, identify their learning needs and progress, and act accordingly. They can work in various educational set-ups and act as support for other teachers or manage their own class.
Steiner school teacher: Steiner school teachers educate students using approaches that reflect the (Waldorf) Steiner philosophy and principles. They focus on practical, hands-on activities in the curriculum and instruct their classes in a manner that emphasises the development of the students’ social, creative and artistic capacities. Steiner school teachers instruct students in similar subjects to the ones in standardised education, although using a different approach, and with the exception of a higher amount of classes focused on creative and artistic practice and theory. They use teaching techniques that support the (Waldorf) Steiner school philosophy, evaluate students’ learning progress and communicate with other school staff.




  1. Support gifted students – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022