S1.8.1 - working in teams
- Assist in clinical trials
- Collaborate in the development of marketing strategies
- Collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions
- Collaborate with animal related professionals
- Collaborate with choreographers
- Collaborate with coaching team
- Collaborate with designers
- Collaborate with engineers
- Collaborate with music librarians
- Collaborate with technical experts on artworks
- Cooperate in linguistic process steps
- Cooperate with colleagues
- Cooperate with funeral directors
- Get involved in the day-to-day operation of the company
- Interact with the board of directors
- Roles of supporting team for community arts programme
- Set up effective working relationships with other sports players
- Work as a team
- Work as a team in a hazardous environment
- Work closely with news teams
- Work in a construction team
- Work in a fishery team
- Work in a food processing team
- Work in a forestry team
- Work in a hospitality team
- Work in a land-based team
- Work in a landscape team
- Work in a logistics team
- Work in a rail transport team
- Work in a water transport team
- Work in an aviation team
- Work in an international environment
- Work in assembly line teams
- Work in drilling teams
- Work in fitness teams
- Work in metal manufacture teams
- Work in multidisciplinary health teams
- Work in multidisciplinary teams related to emergency care
- Work in professional sport environment
- Work in restoration team
- Work in shifts
- Work in textile manufacturing teams
- Work with a dance team
- Work with advertising professionals
- Work with an artistic team
- Work with authors
- Work with broad variety of personalities
- Work with circus group
- Work with composers
- Work with cultural venue specialists
- Work with motion picture editing team
- Work with nursing staff
- Work with playwrights
- Work with pre-production team
- Work with prop makers
- Work with soloists
- Work with supporting team in community arts programme
- Work with the camera crew
- Work with the lighting crew
- Work with video and motion picture production team