Work closely with directors, fellow actors and playwrights to find the ideal interpretation to a role.
Alternative labels
working with artistic team
cooperate with artistic team
collaborate with artistic team
team up with artistic team
work with artistic teams
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Work with an artistic team is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Stand-in: Stand-ins replace actors before the filming starts. They perform the actions of the actors during the lighting and audiovisual setup, so everything is in the right place during the actual shooting with the actors.
Actor/actress: Actors/actresses play roles and parts on live stage performances, TV, radio, video, motion picture productions, or other settings for entertainment or instruction. They use body language (gestures and dancing) and voice (speech and singing) in order to present the character or story according to the script, following the guidelines of a director.
Dramaturge: Dramaturges read new plays and works and propose them to the stage director and/or art council of a theatre. They gather documentation on the work, author, problems addressed, times and described environments. They also participate in the analysis of themes, characters, dramatic construction, etc.
Camera operator: Camera operators setup and operate digital film cameras to shoot domestic motion pictures or television programs. They work together with the video and motion picture director, the director of photography, or the private client. Camera operators give advice on how to shoot scenes to actors, the video and motion picture director and other camera operators.
Stunt performer: Stunt performers execute actions that are too dangerous for actors to perform, that they are not physically able to do or require specialised skills such as fight scenes, jumping from building, dancing and others.
Script supervisor: Script supervisors are responsible for the continuity of the movie or television program. They watch every shot to make sure that it’s according to the script. Script supervisors ensure that during editing the story makes visual and verbal sense and does not contain any continuity errors.
Voice-over artist: Voice-over artists perform the dialogues of animated television or movie characters. They empathise with their characters and make them come alive with their voice.
Optional skill
Work with an artistic team is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Prompter: Prompters prompt or cue performers when they forget their lines or neglect to move to the right position on the stage.
Art model: Art models pose for visual artists as reference or inspiration for their creative work. They stand model for artists that perform figure drawing, paint, make sculptures or create photographic art. Art models are professional models that use their body to become the object of the artist’s creation.
- Work with an artistic team – ESCO