Work with composers


Communicate with composers to discuss various interpretations of their work.

Alternative labels

interact with composers
working with composers
work with a composer
discuss various interpretations with composers

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Work with composers is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Musical conductor: Musical conductors lead ensembles of musicians directing them during rehersals and helping them atteining their best performance. They can work with a variety of ensembles such as choirs and orchestras. Musical conductors adjust the tempo (speed), rhythm, dynamics (loud or soft) and articulation (smooth or detached) of the music using gestures and sometimes dancing to motivate the musicians to play according to the music sheet.
Choirmaster/choirmistress: Choirmasters/choirmistresses manage various aspects of the vocal, and sometimes instrumental, performances of musical groups, such as choirs, ensembles, or glee clubs.
Musician: Musicians perform a vocal or musical part that can be recorded or played for an audience. They have know-how and practice of one or many instruments or using their voice. The musician can also write and transcribe music.

Optional skill

Work with composers is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Sound editor: Sound editors create the soundtrack and sound effects for motion pictures, television series or other multimedia productions. They are responsible for all the music and sound featured in the movie, series or videogames. Sound editors use equipment to edit and mix image and sound recordings and make sure that the music, sound and dialogue is synchronised with and fits in the scene. They work closely together with the video and motion picture editor.
Singer: Singers are professional musicians, skilled in the use of their voice as a musical instrument, with different vocal ranges. They perform for live audiences and for recordings in different musical genres.
Lyricist: Lyricists interpret the style of a music piece and write words to accompany the melody. They work together with the music composer.




  1. Work with composers – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022