Select music for performance


Select pieces of music for a live performance. Consider factors such as ensemble abilities, availability of scores and the need for musical variety.

Alternative labels

determine music pieces
select which music to perform
select performance music
choose music scores

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Select music for performance is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Musical conductor: Musical conductors lead ensembles of musicians directing them during rehersals and helping them atteining their best performance. They can work with a variety of ensembles such as choirs and orchestras. Musical conductors adjust the tempo (speed), rhythm, dynamics (loud or soft) and articulation (smooth or detached) of the music using gestures and sometimes dancing to motivate the musicians to play according to the music sheet.
Variety artist: Variety artists are multi-disciplinary artists who master in at least two of the following disciplines: comedy, dance, singing, circus arts, object manipulation and illusionism. They perform solo or collectively, may appear in music variety shows, cabaret, musicals and other entertainment events. Their artistic performance is characterised by the blending of arts, styles and disciplines.  

Optional skill

Select music for performance is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Choreographer: Choreographers create sequences of movements in which motion, form or both are specified. Some choreographers also take up the role of coordinating, teaching and rehearsing performers in the production of the choreography. They can also act as a movement coach for actors.
Circus artist: Circus artists develop original performance pieces showcasing great artistic and performing skills, emotive depth and artistic proposals for the general public. Alone, or collectively, they may perform one or more traditional or original circus disciplines, which are usually based on physical capabilities such as strength, balance, agility, flexibility, ability and coordination of body parts, and combined with performance disciplines such as dance, theatre, mime etc. The physical nature of the exercises performed often includes a certain level of risk for the performer.  
Street performer: Street performers create street arts performances for outdoor spaces, using space and audience as a creative resource. They create their performance through playful exploration and experimentation with the purpose of entertaining and possibly also of sharing critical opinions concerning societal issues. They stimulate audience participation as a component of their performance whilst respecting the audience’s safety and integrity.
Singer: Singers are professional musicians, skilled in the use of their voice as a musical instrument, with different vocal ranges. They perform for live audiences and for recordings in different musical genres.
Stage director: Stage directors oversee and orchestrate the mounting of a performance production by unifying various endeavours and aspects of a theatrical production. They ensure the quality and completeness of the theatrical production and lead the members of the creative team into realising their artistic vision for it. 
Circus arts teacher: Circus arts teachers instruct students in a recreational context in the various circus techniques and acts such as trapeze acts, juggling, mime, acrobatics, hooping, tightrope walking, object manipulation, unicycling tricks, etc. They provide students with a notion of circus history and repertoire, but mainly focus on a practice-based approach in their courses, in which they assist students in experimenting with and mastering different circus techniques, styles and acts and encourage them to develop their own style. They cast, direct and produce circus performances, and coordinate the technical production and possible set, props and costume usage on stage.
Art director: Art directors shape the visual layout of a concept. They create innovative designs, develop artistic projects  and manage the cooperation between all aspects involved. Art directors may perform creative work in theatre, marketing, advertising, video and motion picture, fashion or online companies. They ensure that the work performed is visually appealing to audiences.
Musician: Musicians perform a vocal or musical part that can be recorded or played for an audience. They have know-how and practice of one or many instruments or using their voice. The musician can also write and transcribe music.




  1. Select music for performance – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022