S1.14.2 - performing artistic or cultural activities
- Act for an audience
- Adapt fighting techniques for performance
- Adapt to different roles
- Adapt voice register to the audio material
- Adjust the performance to different environments
- Analyse theatre texts
- Assess steps towards meeting requirements of artistic work
- Attend castings
- Attend performances
- Communicate during show
- Communicate performance aspects
- Conduct guest soloists
- Conduct military music services
- Conduct musical ensembles
- Create an act
- Dance
- Demonstrate musicianship
- Demonstrate specialisation in a dance tradition
- Demonstrate technical expertise of your dance style
- Develop entertainment programmes
- Engage the audience emotionally
- Ensure longevity of choreography
- Ensure the longevity of the fight actions
- Entertain guests interactively
- Entertain people
- Express yourself physically
- Exude enthusiasm during the action sessions
- Facilitate appropriate compositional structures in dance
- Follow time cues
- Identify requirements of the work
- Interact with an audience
- Interact with fellow actors
- Learn the choreographic material
- Maintain dance training
- Manipulate puppets
- Memorise lines
- Memorise script
- Mix sound in a live situation
- Notate different dances
- Ordain religious officials
- Participate in music studio recordings
- Perform church service
- Perform costume changeovers
- Perform exercises for artistic performance
- Perform fast changeover
- Perform for multiple takes
- Perform for young audiences
- Perform improvisation
- Perform in a public space
- Perform live
- Perform music in ensemble
- Perform music solo
- Perform puja
- Perform religious ceremonies
- Perform religious rituals
- Perform scripted dialogue
- Perform stunts
- Perform with motion capture equipment
- Play musical instruments
- Play the piano
- Pose for artistic creation
- Pose nude
- Practice circus disciplines
- Practice dance moves
- Practice humour
- Practise flying movements
- Practise singing
- Prepare rehearsals
- Prompt performers
- Propose improvements to artistic production
- Read pre-drafted texts
- Record music
- Rehearse role
- Select music
- Select music for performance
- Sing
- Specialise in a musical genre
- Strive for excellence in musical performance
- Tell a story
- Tune keyboard music instruments
- Tune stringed musical instruments
- Use public space as a creative resource
- Use séance tools
- Work independently as an artist
- Work safely with stage weapons