Legislation procedure


The procedures involved in the making of laws and legislation, such as which organisations and individuals are involved, the process of how bills become laws, the proposal and reviewing process, and other steps in the legislation procedure.

Alternative labels

law making methods
legislation methods
legislation policies
law making policies
legislation measures
law making measures
legislation strategies
law making strategies

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Legislation procedure is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Public administration manager: Public administration managers direct, monitor and evaluate the implementation of government policies. They supervise staff and manage resources used for implementation, and write reports on the implementation process. They also communicate with government officials and the public to inform them on the policies. Public administration managers may also participate in the design and creation of public policies.
Secretary of state: Secretaries of state assist heads of government departments, such as ministers, and aid in the supervision of proceedings in the department. They assist in the direction of policies, operations, and department staff, and perform planning, resource allocation, and decision-making duties.
Government minister: Government ministers function as decision-makers in national or regional governments, and head government ministries. They perform legislative duties and supervise the operation of their department.
Member of parliament: Members of parliament represent their political party’s interests in parliaments. They perform legislative duties, developing and proposing new laws, and communicate with government officials to assess current issues and government operations. They oversee the implementation of laws and policies and function as government representatives to the public to ensure transparency.
Senator: Senators perform legislative duties on a central government level, such as working on constitutional reforms, negotiating on bills of law, and settling conflicts between other governmental institutions.
Legislative drafter: Legislative drafters research pieces of legislations and edit them in order to make them stronger and more clear. Rarely they also add new ideas which have never been incorporated into a law or a bill before.
Public affairs consultant: Public affairs consultants function as representatives for a client’s goal. They attempt to persuade legislative bodies and policy makers to implement laws or regulation in accordance with the client’s wishes, and negotiate with parties with potentially conflicting interests. They perform analytical and research duties in order to ensure that the client’s cause is being addressed in an appropriate way to the appropriate parties. They also consult their clients on their causes and policies.
Provincial governor: Governors are the main legislators of a nation’s unit such as a state or province. They supervise staff, perform administrative and ceremonial duties, and function as the main representative for their governed region. They regulate local governments in their region.
Civil service administrative officer: Civil service administrative officers perform administrative duties in civil service organisations and government departments. They ensure record maintenance, handle enquiries and provide information to the public, either in person, through emails or phone calls. They support senior staff, and ensure a fluent internal flow of information.

Optional knowledge

Legislation procedure is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Secretary general: Secretaries general head international governmental or nongovernmental organisations. They supervise staff, direct policy and strategy development, and function as main representative of the organisation.
Mayor: Mayors chair their jurisdiction’s council meetings and act as main supervisor of the local government’s administrative and operational policies. They also represent their jurisdiction in ceremonial and official events and promote activities and events. They, together with the council, hold the local or regional legislative power and oversee development and implementation of policies. They also supervise staff and perform administrative duties.
Central bank governor: Central bank governors set the monetary and regulatory policy, determine interest rates, maintain price stability, control the national money supply and issuance and foreign exchange currency rates and gold reserves. They oversee and control the banking industry.
Law lecturer: Law lecturers are subject professors, teachers, or lecturers who instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, law, which is predominantly academic in nature. They work with their university research assistants and university teaching assistants
for the preparation of lectures and of exams, for grading papers and exams and for leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their respective field of law, publish their findings and liaise with other university colleagues.




  1. Legislation procedure – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022