Manage waste


Manage or dispose of significant amounts of waste materials or hazardous materials. Ensure required licenses and permits are in place and reasonable management practices, industry standards, or commonly accepted farming practices followed.

Alternative labels

waste disposing
managing waste
waste managing
dispose of waste

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Manage waste is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Recycling worker: Recycling workers clean materials and remove waste, and ensure the waste and collected materials are sorted in the appropriate recycling containers. They also dismantle vehicles and sort the parts collected, and deposit recyclable materials onto conveyor belts where they can be further sorted.
Clay products dry kiln operator: Clay products dry kiln operators manage drying tunnels that are meant for drying clay products prior to their treatment in kiln.
Refuse collector: Refuse collectors remove waste from homes and other facilities and put it in the bin lorry so it can be transported to a treatment and disposal facility. They assist the driver of the bin lorry, help unload the waste, and record the amount of refuse collected. They may also collect waste from construction and demolition sites, and hazardous waste.
Chemical processing supervisor: Chemical processing supervisors coordinate the activities and the staff involved in the chemical production process, ensuring the production goals and deadlines are met. They control quality and optimize chemicals processing by ensuring defined tests, analysis and quality control procedures are performed.

Optional skill

Manage waste is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Lime kiln operator: Lime kiln operators control equipment that burns limestone to produce lime or carbon dioxide. They control the flow of the materials, fuel, and air and observe the material flow, air, temperature, fuel charts, and oxygen gauges and make adjustments if necessary. They also keep production records.
Soap chipper: Soap chippers operate the machinery that turns soap bars into soap chips, making sure the end product is according to specifications. They also handle the transfer and storage of soap chips.
Soap drier operator: Soap drier operators control and maintain viscous soap machine to produce soap flakes. They perform sample tests and coordinate the dried flakes discharge into storage bins.
Soap maker: Soap makers operate equipments and mixers that produce soap, making sure the end product is produced according to specified formula.
Plodder operator: Plodder operators control the milled soap compression machine that produces specific shapes and sizes of soap bars, ensuring the products conform to specifications and quality requirements.
Glass polisher: Glass polishers finish plate glass to make a variety of glass products. They polish the edges of the glass using grinding and polishing wheels, and spray solutions on glass or operate vacuum coating machines to provide a mirrored surface.
Plastic and rubber products manufacturing supervisor: Plastic and rubber products manufacturing supervisors manage and coordinate the activities of personnel involved in plastic or rubber products manufacturing, making sure the production is efficiently, safely and cost-effectively processed. They are responsible for the installation of new production lines and for the provision of trainings.
Drawing kiln operator: Drawing kiln operators are responsible for continuous sheet flat glass production by manipulating the drawing kiln that processes molten glass.
Metal annealer: Metal annealers operate electric or gas kilns to soften metal so it can be cut and shaped more easily. They heat the metal to a specific temperature and / or colour and then slowly cool it, both according to specifications. Metal annealers inspect the metals through the entire process to observe any flaws.
Kiln firer: Kiln firers operate kilns in order to fire decorations or glazes. They determine the level and uniformity of oven temperature, regulate the temperature, and give directions to a helper in preparing firebox and lighting fires.
Plate glass installer: Plate glass installers fit panes of glass into windows and other structural elements like glass doors, walls, façades and other structures.
Clay kiln burner: Clay kiln burners bake clay products such as brick, sewer pipe or tiles using periodic or tunnel kilns. They regulate valves, observe thermometers, watch for fluctuations, and maintain the kilns.
Vacuum forming machine operator: Vacuum forming machine operators tend, control, and maintain machines that heat sheets of plastic before moving them around a mould, using vacuum-suction; when these sheets become cool, they are permanently set in the shape of the mould.
Fibreglass machine operator: Fibreglass machine operators control and maintain the machine that sprays a mix of resin and glass fibers onto products such as bathtubs or boat hulls to obtain strong and lightweight composite end-products.
Filament winding operator: Filament winding operators tend, control and maintain machines that coat filament, usually fibreglass or carbon, in resin and wind them around a rotation mould to produce pipes, containers, tubes and other hollow cylindrical products.
Blow moulding machine operator: Blow moulding machine operators operate and monitor blow moulding machine to mould plastic goods, according to requirements. They regulate temperature, air pressure and volume of plastic, according to specifications. Blow moulding machine operators remove finished products and cut away excess material, using a knife. They regrind surplus material and rejected workpieces for reuse, using a grinding machine.
Glass annealer: Glass annealers operate electric or gas kilns used to strengthen the glass products by a heating-cooling process, making sure the temperature is set according to specifications. They inspect the glass products  through the entire process to observe any flaws.
Pultrusion machine operator: Pultrusion Machine Operators tend, control, and maintain machines which enable the production of composite materials with consistent cross-sections by adding reinforcement fibres such as fibreglass to the existing material and coating the resulting material with resin; this then is pulled through a heated dye where it becomes cured.
Soap tower operator: Soap tower operators control, monitor and maintain tower operations, using the control panel, in order to produce soap powders. They inspect operating units to ensure the parameters of flow of oil, air, perfume or steam are according to specifications.
Glass beveller: Glass bevellers measure, cut, assemble and install flat glass and mirrors. They also load and unload glass, mirrors and equipment, drive to installation sites, install metal or wood frameworks that need to be fitted with glass, and work according to client specifications.
Gas processing plant supervisor: Gas processing plant supervisors supervise the processing of gas for utility and energy services by controlling compressors and other processing equipment to ensure standard operation. They supervise the maintenance of the equipment, and perform tests to detect problems or deviations, and to ensure quality.
Dry press operator: Dry press operators press dry tempered clay or silica into bricks and other shapes. They select and fix the pressing dies, using rule and wenches. Dry press operators remove the bricks from the press machine and stack them in a specified pattern on the kiln car.
Rubber dipping machine operator: Rubber dipping machine operators dip forms into liquid latex to manufacture rubber products such as balloons, finger cots or prophylactics. They mix the latex and pour it into the machine. Rubber dipping machine operators take a sample of latex goods after final dip and weigh it. They add ammonia or more latex to machine if the product does not meet requirements.
Countryside officer: Countryside officers are responsible for a range of activities that manage and maintain the natural environment and associated public access and recreation. They encourage visitors to open spaces/the countryside, promote awareness of the natural environment and protect and preserve the open space/countryside for future enjoyment.
Glass forming machine operator: Glass forming machine operators operate and maintain machines that press or blow molten glass in moulds to form or shape products, such as neons, bottles, jars and drinking glasses. They set up and adjust machines, and weigh, measure and check production samples to check conformity to the set specifications.




  1. Manage waste – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022