Metal smoothing technologies


The various technologies used for the smoothening, polishing and buffing of fabricated metal workpieces.

Alternative labels

metal polishing and buffing operations
metal smoothing operations
metal smoothing approaches
metal polishing and buffing techniques
metal polishing and buffing approaches
metal smoothing techniques

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Metal smoothing technologies is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Enameller: Enamellers embellish metals such as gold, silver, copper, steel, cast iron or platinum by painting it. The enamel they apply, consists of coloured powdered glass.
Metal furniture machine operator: Metal furniture machine operators use machines and power tools to cut, shape and join metal pieces in order to produce metal furniture ranging from office furnishings to outdoors fittings. They use different types of metal such as aluminium, iron and stainless steel, and different types of processes such as metal forming and casting. They polish, apply protective layers and, in some cases, decorative finishes to the metal pieces. They assemble and join the elements to obtain the final product.
Boilermaker: Boilermakers operate a variety of equipment and machinery to create, repipe and retube hot water and steam boilers, producing them in all steps of the production process. They cut, gouge and shape the metal sheets and tubes for the boilers to size, using oxy-acetylene gas torches, assemble them by shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc welding or gas tungsten arc welding, and finish them by the approprate machine tools, power tools and coating.
Surgical instrument maker: Surgical instrument makers create, repair and design surgical instruments, such as clamps, graspers, mechanical cutters, scopes, probes and other surgical instruments.

Optional knowledge

Metal smoothing technologies is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Solderer: Solderers operate various equipment and machinery such as gas torches, soldering irons, welding machines, or electric-ultrasonic equipment in order to solder together two or more items (usually metals), by melting and forming a metal filler in between the joints, the filler metal has a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. 
Tumbling machine operator: Tumbling machine operators set up and operate tumbling machines, often wet or drie tumbling barrels, designed to remove excess material and burrs of heavy metal workpieces and precious metals and to improve surface appearance, by rotating the metal pieces in a barrel together with grit and potentially water, allowing for the friction between the pieces mutually and with the grit to cause a rounding, smooth effect.
Grinding machine operator: Grinding machine operators set up, program and control grinding machines, designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by using an abrasive wheel with diamond teeth as a cutting device for very precise and light cuts. They read grinding machine blueprints and tooling instructions, perform regular machine maintenance, and make adjustments to the grinding controls, such as the depth of cuts and the rotation speed.
Screw machine operator: Screw machine operators set up and tend mechanical screw machines designed to manufacture (threaded) screws out of processed metal workpieces, specifically small- to medium-sized ones that have been turned by a lathe and turn machine.
Abrasive blasting operator: Abrasive blasting operators use the proper equipment and machinery to smoothen rough surfaces by abrasive blasting. Abrasive blasting is commonly used in the finishing process of metal workpieces and for blasting building materials used in masonry such as bricks, stones and concrete. They operate blasters or sand cabinets which forcibly thrust a stream of abrasive material such sand, soda or water, under high pressure, propelled by a centrifigal wheel, in order to shape and smoothen surfaces.
Industrial arts vocational teacher: Industrial arts vocational teachers instruct students in their specialised field of study, industrial arts, which is predominantly practical in nature. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques the students must subsequently master for an industrial arts-related profession, working with wood and metal, such as carpenter or sheet metal worker. Industrial arts vocational teachers monitor the students’ progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance on the subject of industrial arts through assignments, tests and examinations.
Surface grinding machine operator: Surface grinding machine operators set up and tend surface grinding machines designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by an abrasive grinding wheel, or wash grinder, rotating on a horizontal or vertical axis.
Cylindrical grinder operator: Cylindrical grinding operators set up and tend cylindrical grinding machines designed to apply abrasive processes in order to remove small amounts of excess material and smoothen metal workpieces by multiple abrasive grinding wheels with diamond teeth as a cutting device for very precise and light cuts, as the workpiece is fed past it and formed into a cylinder.
Filing machine operator: Filing machine operators set up and tend filing machines such as band files, reciprocating files and bench filing machines in order to smoothen metal, wood or plastic surfaces by precisely cutting and removing small amounts of excess material.
Sheet metal worker: Sheet metal workers in construction use sheet metal to construct roofs, ducts for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, gutters and other metal structures. They read plans and determine the type and amount of materials to be used, then measure, bend, cut, shape, and attach pieces of sheet metal to create the required structure.
Computer numerical control machine operator: Computer numerical control machine operators set-up, maintain and control a computer numerical control machine in order to execute the product orders. They are responsible for programming the machines, ensuring the required parameters and measurements are met while maintaining the quality and safety standards.
Toymaker: Toymakers create or reproduce hand-made objects for sale and exhibition made of various materials such as plastic, wood and textile. They develop, design and sketch the object, select the materials and cut, shape and process the materials as necessary and apply finishes. In addition, toymakers maintain and repair all types of toys, including mechanical ones. They identify defects in toys, replace damaged parts and restore their functionality.
Metal nibbling operator: Metal nibbling operators cut detailed patterns from metal surfaces by using manual or powered metal nibblers, such as a handheld nibbling drill or a nibbling machine.
Structural ironworker: Structural ironworker in construction install iron elements into structures. They erect steel frameworks for buildings, bridges and other construction projects. They set metal rods, or rebar, to form reinforced concrete.
Brazier: Braziers operate various equipment and machinery such as torches, soldering irons, fluxes and welding machines in order to join two metal pieces together, by heating, melting and forming a metal filler inbetween them, often brass or copper. Brazing can join metals such as aluminum, silver, copper, gold, and nickel. Brazing is a similar process to soldering but requires higher temperatures. 

Recreation model maker: Recreation model makers design and construct recreation scale models from various materials such as plastic, wood, wax and metals, mostly by hand.
Wooden furniture machine operator: Wooden furniture machine operators run machines that manufacture wooden furniture parts, according to the established operating procedure. They ensure the machine works smoothly and repair parts if necessary.
Welders operate welding equipment in order to join metal workpieces together. They can use fusion welding processes based on different techniques and materials. They also perform simple visual inspection of welds.
Tool grinder: Tool grinder perform precision grinding processes on metal objects and tools. They grind, sharpen or smoothen metal surfaces using the appropriate tools and instruments. Tool grinders follow tooling instructions and assure the processed workpiece meets the necessary specifications.
Deburring machine operator: Deburring machine operators set up and tend mechanical deburring machines designed to strip metal workpieces of their rough edges, or burrs, by hammering over their surfaces in order to smoothen them or to roll over their edges in case of uneven slits or sheers in order to flatten them into the surface.
Router operator: Router operators set up and operate multi-spindle routing machines, in order to hollow-out or cut various hard materials such as wood, composites, aluminium, steel, plastics; and others, such as foams. They are also able to read blueprints to determine cutting locations and specific sizes.
Metal products assembler: Metal products assemblers fit and fasten metal materials according to strictly laid down procedures in order to produce various parts or final products using power tools, hand tools, and other machinery.
Metal product quality control inspector: Metal product quality control inspectors perform preventive and operational quality control on the metal products. They examine the materials at various stages to make sure it conforms to the desired standard, test the products, and send them back for repair if necessary.
Metal polisher: Metal polishers use metal working equipment and machinery to polish and buff almost finished metal workpieces in order to enhance their smoothness and appearance and to remove oxidisation, tarnishing the metal after the other fabrication processes. They may operate equipment using diamond solutions, silicon-made polishing pads, or working wheels with a leather polishing strop, and tend to these materials ensuring their effectiveness.
Wind musical instrument maker: Wind musical instrument makers create and assemble parts to make wind instruments according to specified instructions and diagrams. They measure and cut the tubing for the resonator, assemble parts such as braces, slides, valves, piston, bell heads and mouth pieces, test and inspect the finished instrument.




  1. Metal smoothing technologies – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022