K0715 - mechanics and metal trades
- Alloys of precious metals
- Aluminium alloys
- Bicycle mechanics
- Buffing motions
- Casting processes
- Chemical technologies in metal manufacture
- Coining
- Cold drawing processes
- Cold forging
- Components of clocks
- Crimping
- Cylindrical grinder parts
- Deburring machine parts
- Deburring processes
- Dies
- Distinguish types of saws
- Drop hammer types
- Dry tumbling
- Dust usage for forging
- Electric clocks
- Electrolytic passivation process
- Electron beam welding machine parts
- Electron beam welding processes
- Electroplating
- Electroplating machine parts
- Electroplating metal materials
- Electroplating processes
- Engine components
- Engineering processes
- Explosives
- Extrusion processes
- Farrier industry
- Ferrous metal processing
- Filing machine parts
- Fluid mechanics
- Forging processes
- Hot forging
- Hot winding
- Hydraulic fluid
- Hydraulic press parts
- Hydraulics
- Lacquer spray gun parts
- Locking mechanisms
- Machine tools
- Machinery products
- Maintenance of ammunition
- Manufacturing of door furniture from metal
- Manufacturing of doors from metal
- Manufacturing of light metal packaging
- Manufacturing of metal assembly products
- Manufacturing of metal containers
- Manufacturing of metal household articles
- Manufacturing of metal structures
- Manufacturing of pumps and compressors
- Manufacturing of small metal parts
- Manufacturing of steel drums and similar containers
- Manufacturing of tools
- Material mechanics
- Materials of die
- Mechanical clocks
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechanical engineering applicable to edible oil seed
- Mechanical forging press parts
- Mechanical systems
- Mechanical tools
- Mechanics
- Mechatronics
- Metal and metal ore products
- Metal bending techniques
- Metal coating technologies
- Metal drawing processes
- Metal eroding technology
- Metal forming technologies
- Metal hot rolling technology
- Metal joining technologies
- Metal smoothing technologies
- Metal thermal conductivity
- Metallurgy
- Metalworking
- Metalworking tools
- Microelectromechanical systems
- Micromechanics
- Micromechatronic engineering
- Minerals prices
- Nibbling machine parts
- Non-ferrous metal processing
- Optomechanical components
- Optomechanical devices
- Optomechanical engineering
- Parts of a surface grinding machine
- Parts of metal rolling mill
- Precious metals
- Precision mechanics
- Principles of mechanical engineering
- Processes performed by tumbling
- Quality and cycle time optimisation
- Reverse engineering
- Rivet types
- Riveting machine types
- Screw machine parts
- Screw manufacturing processes
- Sensors
- Smoke sensors
- Soldering techniques
- Spot welding machine parts
- Swaging machine types
- Swaging processes
- Thermal materials
- Torch temperature for metal processes
- Tumbling machine parts
- Types of boring heads
- Types of containers
- Types of crosscut saws
- Types of drill bits
- Types of forging press
- Types of lathe tools
- Types of lifts
- Types of metal
- Types of metal manufacturing processes
- Types of perforating machines
- Types of planing cutters
- Types of sawing blades
- Types of spring
- Types of straightening machine
- Types of table saws
- Types of thread
- Types of upsetting machines
- Types of watches
- Upsetting machine parts
- Welding techniques
- Wet tumbling