

Pharmacology is a medical specialty mentioned in the EU Directive 2005/36/EC.

Alternative labels

study of pharmacology
science of pharmacology
study of drug action

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential knowledge

Pharmacology is an essential knowledge of the following occupations:

Physiotherapist: Physiotherapists are autonomous health professionals who are responsible for developing, maintaining or restoring motor function and movement throughout the lifespan using evidence-based practice. They relieve pain and treat or prevent physical conditions associated with injury, disease or other impairments. Physiotherapists empower patients and their carers to manage the condition outside clinical settings. They work within their scope of practice and their professional Code of Conduct. 
Paramedic in emergency responses: Paramedics in emergency responses provide emergency care to sick, injured, and vulnerable persons in emergency medical situations, before and during transport to a medical facility. They implement and oversee the transfer of the patient in connection with transport. They provide assistance in acute situations, implement life-saving emergency measures, and monitor the performance of the transportation process. As allowed by national law they may also provide oxygen, certain drugs, the puncture of peripheral veins and infusion of crystalloid solutions and perform endotracheal intubation if needed for the immediate prevention of threats for the life or health of an emergency patient.
Pharmacologist: Pharmacologists study the manner in which drugs and medicaments interact with organisms, living systems, and their parts (i.e. cells, tissues, or organs). Their research aims at identifying substances that can be ingested by humans and that exert adequate biochemical functions for curing illnesses.
Anaesthetic technician: Anaesthetic technicians assist specialised doctors in anaesthetics. They prepare operating theatres and other specialised clinics for anaesthetic procedures, prepare the equipment needed for anaesthesia, and assist with inducing and maintaining adequate anaesthesia and post-anaesthesia procedures. They do so under supervision, following the orders of the doctor of medicine.
Pharmacy lecturer: Pharmacy lecturers are subject professors, teachers, or lecturers who instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, pharmacy, which is predominantly academic in nature. They work with their university research assistants and university teaching assistants
for the preparation of lectures and of exams, for leading laboratory practices, grading papers and exams and for leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their field of pharmacy, publish their findings and liaise with other university colleagues.
Biochemist: Biochemists study and perform research on the reactions caused by chemicals in living organisms. This includes performing research for the development or improvement of chemical-based products (e.g. medicine) aimed at improving the health of living organisms and at better understanding their reactions.
Orthoptist: Orthoptists diagnose and treat anomalies of binocular vision. They examine, assess and treat vision impairments, squint, amblyopia and eye motility disorders. Orthoptists apply these methods in particular in the fields of paediatrics, neurology, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmology, orthoptics, optometry, pleoptics and strabology assessing functional diseases of the eye for improving functional disorders of the visual system. They also provide counselling, preventive measures and training activities and may refract and prescribe glasses, such as prism corrective glasses.
Pharmacist: Pharmacists prepare, dispense, and provide prescriptions for, over the counter medication. They offer clinical information on medicines, report suspected adverse reactions, and provide personalised support to patients. Pharmacists formulate and test medications in laboratories, and store, preserve, and distribute them.
Dietitian: Dietitians assess specific nutritional requirements of populations or individuals throughout their lives and translate this into advice which will maintain, reduce risk to, or restore people’s health. Using evidence-based approaches, dietitians work to empower individuals, families and groups to provide or select food which is nutritionally adequate, safe, tasty and sustainable. Beyond healthcare, dietitians improve the nutritional environment for all through governments, industry, academia and research.
Nurse responsible for general care: Nurses responsible for general care are in charge of promoting and restoring patients` health by providing physical and psychological support to patients, friends, and families. They also supervise assigned team members.
Specialist pharmacist: Specialist pharmacists provide specialist services for companies in the pharmacy industry and in hospital pharmacies.  The role of the specialist pharmacist varies throughout Europe, subject to national rules and training.
Midwife: Midwives assist women in childbirth by providing the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, conduct births and provide care for the new-born. They advise on health, preventive measures, preparation for parenthood, detection of complications in mother and child, accessing of medical care, promoting normal birth and carrying out emergency measures.
Specialist chiropractor: Specialist chiropractors have an advanced knowledge and understanding in a specific chiropractic area, acquiring complex decision making skills and clinical competency within the scope of the chiropractic profession. Specialist chiropractors may have undertaken an advanced course of studies to acquire the necessary skills and competency and qualification. Specialist chiropractors may be found in different specific fields such as education, functional neurology, orthopaedics, paediatrics, research, radiology, sport.
Podiatrist: Podiatrists are foot specialists who study foot physiology and pathology from a structural and functional standpoint. They assess, diagnose, and treat physical, sporting injuries, rehabilitation, medical and surgical problems of the foot and lower limb in their clinical practice. Podiatrists are active outside the clinical environment in research, medico-legal, and forensic activities. Podiatrists act within the scope of their podiatry training, experience, and regulating authority of their member country.

Optional knowledge

Pharmacology is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this knowledge may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Medicine lecturer: Medicine lecturers are subject professors, teachers, or lecturers, and often doctors who instruct students who have obtained an upper secondary education diploma in their own specialised field of study, medicine, which is predominantly academic in nature. They work with their university research assistants and university teaching assistants for the preparation of lectures and of exams, for grading papers and exams, for leading laboratory practices, and for leading review and feedback sessions for the students. They also conduct academic research in their respective field of medicine, publish their findings and liaise with other university colleagues.
Chemist: Chemists perform laboratory research by testing and analysing the chemical structure of substances.They translate the research results into industrial production processes which are further used in the development or improvement of products. Chemists are also testing the quality of the manufactured products and their environmental impact.
Pharmaceutical quality specialist: Pharmaceutical quality specialists perform inspections and precision measurements in order to test and ensure the quality of pharmaceutical products. They are involved in the whole development phase of a pharmaceutical product until it is ready for the market. This includes the process of acquiring clinical trial licences, advising the pharmaceutical development staff on regulatory requirements and evaluating the content of the package leaflet and other documentation on the product. Moreover, pharmaceutical quality specialists collect and evaluate information on side effects of the product and communicate this knowledge both internally and to the relevant authorities.
Medical records clerk:
Medical records clerks organise, keep up-to-date and archive patients` records for medical staff availability. They transfer medical information from a patient’s paper records to an electronic template.
Biology technician: Biology technicians provide technical assistance in researching and analysing the relationship between living organisms and their environment. They use laboratory equipment to examine organic substances such as bodily fluids, medicines, plants and food. They collect and analyse data for experiments, compile reports and maintain laboratory stock.
Toxicologist: Toxicologists study the effects that chemical substances or biological and physical agents have in living organisms, more specifically, on the environment and on the animal and human health. They determine doses of the exposure to substances for arising toxic effects in environments, people, and living organisms, and also perform experiments on animals and cell cultures.
Chiropractor: Chiropractors are responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders related to the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health. They are independent primary health care professionals.
Podiatry assistant: Podiatry assistants help the podiatrist by carrying out supportive tasks such as assisting in diagnosing and treating the disorders, diseases and deformities of the feet, advising people on foot care techniques and the importance of foot care for promoting better mobility and general well-being. They also perform small tasks such as cutting toe nails, applying plasters and general clerical duties.
Social counsellor: Social counsellors provide support and guidance to individuals in the social work area, to help them solve specific problems in their personal life. It involves addressing personal and relationship issues, dealing with inner conflicts, crisis moments such as depression and addiction, in an attempt to empower individuals to achieve change and improve their life quality.
Geneticist: Geneticists study and focus their research on genetics. They analyse the fashion in which genes interact, operate, and inherit traits and characteristics. Based on their research, they attend patients with inherited diseases and conditions, congenital malformations, and genetic matters at large.
Emergency ambulance driver: Emergency ambulance drivers use emergency vehicles to respond to medical emergencies and support the work of paramedics, move patients safely, take note of changes in the patient’s vital signs and report to the paramedics in charge, ensuring the medical equipment is well stored, transported and functional, under supervision and on order of a doctor of medicine.
Radiographer: Radiographers use a range of technologies to examine, treat and care for patients. They work in the fields of Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine and apply ionising radiation, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and radioactive sources.
Traditional chinese medicine therapist: Traditional Chinese medicine therapists use alternative medicine approaches to cure illnesses in all its forms. They also use various therapies such as the use of herbal medicines, acupuncture, massages and dietary therapies, to increase the general health of the patient and to prevent a disease from occurring.
Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teacher: Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teachers instruct students in their specialised field of study, auxiliary nursing and midwifery, which is predominantly practical in nature. They provide theoretical instruction in service of the practical skills and techniques the students must subsequently master. Auxiliary nursing and midwifery vocational teachers monitor the students’ progress, assist individually when necessary, and evaluate their knowledge and performance on the subject of auxiliary nursing and midwifery through assignments, tests and examinations.
Family planning counsellor: Family planning counsellors provide support and counselling to adults and adolescents on issues such as reproduction, contraceptive methods, pregnancy or termination of pregnancy, in compliance with the legislation and practices. They also provide information about maintaining optimum health practices, sexual disease prevention and treatment recommendation referrals, working in collaboration with the professional doctors.
Nurse assistant: Nurse assistants provide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. They perform duties such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, move patients or change linens and may transfer or transport patients.

Biochemistry technician: Biochemistry technicians provide technical assistance in researching, analysing and testing the reactions caused by chemicals in living organisms. They use laboratory equipment to help develop or improve chemical-based products and also collect and analyse data for experiments, compile reports and maintain laboratory stock.
Specialised doctor: Specialised doctors prevent, diagnose and treat diseases depending on their medical or surgical specialty.
Osteopath: Osteopaths provide therapeutic treatment of disorders in the musculoskeletal system to patients with physical issues such as back pain, joint pain and digestive disorders. They mainly use manipulation of the body tissues, touch, stretching and massage techniques to relieve the patients` pain and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Medical sales representative: Medical sales representatives promote and sell medical devices, equipment and pharmaceutical products to healthcare professionals. They provide product information and demonstrate features to healthcare professionals. Medical representatives negotiate and close sales contracts.
Complementary therapist: Complementary therapists use a range of complementary and alternative therapies to work simultaneously with the clients` body, mind, and spirit in a holistic approach. They offer practices and services for holistic wellbeing, health maintenance, health education, health promotion and prevention of illness, along with the sustainable treatment of certain illnesses, especially chronic illnesses. Their practices include but are not limited to acupuncture, aromatherapy, banotherapy, homeopathy, and herbal medicine.
Pharmaceutical engineer: Pharmaceutical engineers design and develop technologies used in pharmaceutical research and drugs manufacture, advising the pharmaceutical manufacturing plants to maintain and operate those technologies and ensuring the customers` and workers` safety requirements are met. They may also be involved in the conception and design of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and research centers.
Chemical engineer: Chemical engineers design and develop large-scale chemical and physical production processes and are involved in the entire industrial process required for transforming raw materials into products.
Biologist: Biologists study living organisms and life in its broader extent in combination with its environment. Through research, they strive to explain the functional mechanisms, interactions, and evolution of organisms.




  1. Pharmacology – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022
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