Promote foot health


Provide information and guidance on means to keep ones feet healthy by wearing appropriate footwear or avoiding unhealthy practices such as fungal infections.

Alternative labels

promote health of feet
provide information on keeping feet healthy
support foot health measures
advocate for foot health
promote foot-health
encourage measures for foot health

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Promote foot health is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Podiatry assistant: Podiatry assistants help the podiatrist by carrying out supportive tasks such as assisting in diagnosing and treating the disorders, diseases and deformities of the feet, advising people on foot care techniques and the importance of foot care for promoting better mobility and general well-being. They also perform small tasks such as cutting toe nails, applying plasters and general clerical duties.
Podiatrist: Podiatrists are foot specialists who study foot physiology and pathology from a structural and functional standpoint. They assess, diagnose, and treat physical, sporting injuries, rehabilitation, medical and surgical problems of the foot and lower limb in their clinical practice. Podiatrists are active outside the clinical environment in research, medico-legal, and forensic activities. Podiatrists act within the scope of their podiatry training, experience, and regulating authority of their member country.

Optional skill

Promote foot health is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Pedicurist: Pedicurists offer cosmetic treatment and care for their clients’ feet and toenails. They cut and shape toenails, give footbaths and exfoliation treatments and apply nail polish.




  1. Promote foot health – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022