Use reservoir surveillance


Understand and operate well and reservoir surveillance system and remote sensing technology; monitor the reservoir level and decide on engineering interventions if necessary.

Alternative labels

monitor well and reservoir
monitoring well and reservoir
using reservoir surveillance
using of reservoir surveillance
use of reservoir surveillance
well and reservoir monitoring
reservoir surveillance use
monitoring of well and reservoir

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Use reservoir surveillance is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Petroleum engineer: Petroleum engineers evaluate gas and oil fields. They design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from underneath the earth’s surface. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.

Optional skill

Use reservoir surveillance is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Liquid fuel engineer: Liquid fuel engineers evaluate liquid fuel extraction sites. They design and develop methods for extracting liquid fuels from underneath the earth’s surface, these fuels include petroleums, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, non-petroleum fossil fuels, biodiesel and alcohols. They maximise the recovery of hydrocarbon at a minimum cost, pursuing minimal impact on the environment.




  1. Use reservoir surveillance – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022