S2.8.2 - monitoring operational activities
- Adapt efficient food processing practices
- Arrange customs inspection
- Assess studio production
- Check processing parameters
- Compare shipment contents with waybill
- Conduct aviation auditing
- Conduct engineering site audits
- Control train arrivals
- Detect bottlenecks
- Ensure compliance with electricity distribution schedule
- Ensure compliance with gas distribution schedule
- Ensure flights run to schedule
- Ensure parts packaging
- Ensure proper water storage
- Ensure trains run to schedule
- Evaluate clients' progress
- Identify electoral violations
- Inspect education institutions
- Inspect government policy compliance
- Inspect maritime operations
- Inspect recycling procedures
- Maintain work standards
- Manage car park operations
- Manage guest support services
- Manage mechanically controlled livestock production environments
- Manage project metrics
- Monitor activities
- Monitor after sales records
- Monitor airport service performance
- Monitor check-out point
- Monitor company policy
- Monitor curriculum implementation
- Monitor customer behaviour
- Monitor event activities
- Monitor excavated material
- Monitor fermentation
- Monitor field surveys
- Monitor fisheries
- Monitor forest productivity
- Monitor logging operations
- Monitor machine operations
- Monitor maritime operations
- Monitor merchandise delivery
- Monitor milk production deviations
- Monitor mine production
- Monitor operations in the leather industry
- Monitor operations of cleaning machines
- Monitor organisation climate
- Monitor packaging operations
- Monitor painting operations
- Monitor parameters' compliance in construction projects
- Monitor plant production
- Monitor political campaigns
- Monitor processing conditions
- Monitor production developments
- Monitor programming
- Monitor proper product handling
- Monitor pumping system operations
- Monitor railway vehicles documentation
- Monitor roasting
- Monitor social impact
- Monitor staff absences
- Monitor stock level
- Monitor stock movement
- Monitor sugar uniformity
- Monitor the process of wine production
- Monitor the production line
- Monitor the production of eggs
- Monitor the transfer of oil
- Monitor the use of resources in production
- Monitor ticketing
- Monitor train schedules
- Monitor vehicle fleet operations
- Monitor visitor tours
- Monitor waiting list
- Monitor well operations
- Monitor winemaking process
- Monitor work for special events
- Monitor workload
- Observe freight shipment loaders
- Oversee assembly operations
- Oversee delivery of fuel
- Perform import of commodities
- Perform inspections of food-processing plants
- Perform routine flight operations checks
- Preserve stocked items
- Review insurance process
- Set transport targets
- Study sales levels of products
- Trace financial transactions
- Track key performance indicators
- Track train delays
- Use reservoir surveillance