Video artist


Video artists create videos using analogue or digital techniques to obtain special effects, animation, or other animated visuals using films, videos, images, computer or other electronic tools.

Other titles

The following job titles also refer to video artist:

visuals artist
interactive video artist
video manipulator
visual technician
graphics and video artist
graphics & video artist
video graphics artist
video effects artist
visual manipulator

Minimum qualifications

Bachelor’s degree is generally required to work as video artist. However, this requirement may differ in some countries.

ISCO skill level

ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:

  • the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
  • the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
  • the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.

Video artist is a Skill level 4 occupation.

Video artist career path

Similar occupations

These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to video artist.

digital artist
glass artist
drawing artist
conceptual artist
performance artist

Long term prospects

These occupations require some skills and knowledge of video artist. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of video artist with a significant experience and/or extensive training.

Essential knowledge and skills

Essential knowledge

This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of video artist.

Labour legislation: Legislation, on a national or international level, that governs labour conditions in various fields between labour parties such as the government, employees, employers, and trade unions.
Intellectual property law: The regulations that govern the set of rights protecting products of the intellect from unlawful infringement.
Art history: The history of art and artists, the artistic trends throughout centuries and their contemporary evolutions.

Essential skills and competences

These skills are necessary for the role of video artist.

Create animated narratives: Develop animated narrative sequences and story lines, using computer software and hand drawing techniques.
Tune a projector: Focus and tune a projector.
Adapt artistic plan to location: Adjust plans to other locations with regards to the artistic concept.
Set up cameras: Put cameras in place and prepare them for use.
Create digital images: Create and process two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital images depicting animated objects or illustrating a process, using computer animation or modelling programs.
Prepare personal work environment: Correct settings or positions for your working instruments and adjust them before starting operations.
Maintain audiovisual equipment: Perform routine maintenance tasks on audiovisual equipment as well as minor repairs, such as replacing parts and calibrating the instruments, on equipment used in processing sound and images.
Contextualise artistic work: Identify influences and situate your work within a specific trend which may be of an artistic, aesthetic, or philosophical natures. Analyse the evolution of artistic trends, consult experts in the field, attend events, etc.
Create special effects: Create special visual effects as required by the script, mixing chemicals and fabricating specific parts out of a wide variety of materials.
Collaborate with a technical staff in artistic productions: Coordinate the artistic activities with others who are specialised in the technical side of the project. Inform the technical staff of the plans and methods suggested and obtain feedback on feasibility, cost, procedures and other relevant information. Be able to understand the vocabulary and practises concerning technical issues.
Edit digital moving images: Use specialised software to edit video images for use in an artistic production.
Convert into animated object: Convert real objects into visual animation elements, using animation techniques such as optical scanning.
Mix live images: Follow different video streams of a live event and mix them together using specialised equipment and software.
Define artistic approach: Define your own artistic approach by analysing your previous work and your expertise, identifying the components of your creative signature, and starting from these explorations to describe your artistic vision.
Manage online content: Ensure the website content is up to date, organised, attractive and meets the target audience needs, the requirements of the company and international standards by checking the links, setting the publishing time framework and order.
Gather reference materials for artwork: Gather samples of the materials you expect to use in the creation process, especially if the desired piece of art necessitates the intervention of qualified workers or specific production processes.
Provide multimedia content: Develop multimedia materials such as screen shots, graphics, slide shows, animations and videos to be used as content integrated in a broader informational context.
Create moving images: Create and develop two-dimensional and three-dimensional images in motion and animations.
Develop animations: Design and develop visual animations using creativity and computer skills. Make objects or characters appear lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, shadow, and transparency, or manipulating static images to give the illusion of motion.
Design graphics: Apply a variety of visual techniques in order to design graphic material. Combine graphical elements to communicate concepts and ideas.

Optional knowledge and skills

Optional knowledge

This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of video artist. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

Optional skills and competences

These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of video artist. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

Assess conservation needs: Assess and list the needs for conservation/restoration, in relation to current use and planned future use.
Create storyboards: Apply story development and plot lines and edit animations to create storyboards that render the flow of the animation. Map out key scenes and develop characters.
Plan art educational activities: Plan and implement artistic facilities, performance, venues and museum-related educational activities and events.
Develop educational resources: Create and develop educational resources for visitors, school groups, families and special interest groups.
Develop artistic project budgets: Developing artistic project budgets for approval, estimating deadlines and material costs.
Develop educational activities: Develop speeches, activities and workshops in order to foster access and comprehension to the artistic creation processes. It can address a particular cultural and artistic event such as a show or an exhibition, or it can be related to a specific discipline (theatre, dance, drawing, music, photography etc.). Liaise with storytelles, craftspeople and artists.
Consult with business clients: Communicate with clients of a business or business project in order to introduce new ideas, obtain feedback, and find solutions to problems.
Keep personal administration: File and organise personal administration documents comprehensively.
Design materials for multimedia campaigns: Draft and develop materials to be produced for a multimedia campaign, keeping in mind budgeting, scheduling and production.
Present exhibition: Present an exhibition and give educational lectures in a comprehensible way that is attractive to the public.
Consult with design team: Discuss the project and design concepts with the design team, finalise proposals and present these to stakeholders.
Consult team on creative project: Discuss the creative project with team members.
Set up projection equipment: Install and connect equipment for projection in an artistic context.
Participate in music studio recordings: Take part in recording sessions in music studios.
Manipulate object to create illusions: Manipulate objects and images to create optical illusions.
Participate in artistic mediation activities: Participate in cultural and artistic mediation activities: announce the activity, give a presentation or talk related to a piece of art or an exhibition, teach a class or a group, lead artistic mediation activities, lead or participate in a public discussion.

ISCO group and title

2651 – Visual artists





  1. Video artist – ESCO
Last updated on August 8, 2022