S6.1.1 - sorting materials or products
- Allocate numbers to clients' belongings
- Arrange audio-visual products in classification order
- Arrange books in classification order
- Assess waste type
- Carry out cross merchandising
- Carry out stock rotation
- Check stability of materials
- Collect broken appliances
- Collect items for laundry service
- Control pyrotechnics stock
- Differentiate honey depending on the origin
- Differentiate types of packages
- Distinguish lumber categories
- Grade candles
- Grade foods
- Grade patterns for wearing apparel
- Grade young fish
- Identify plants characteristics
- Inspect dry cleaning materials
- Manage donated goods in second-hand shop
- Meet picking standards
- Operate voice picking systems
- Read care labels
- Read checked baggage tags
- Remove defective products
- Remove inadequate workpieces
- Route correspondence to business departments
- Segregate raw materials
- Select adequate ingredients
- Select apples
- Select aquaculture equipment
- Select design elements
- Select equipment required for moving activities
- Select fibreglass
- Select fruits and vegetables
- Select gems for jewellery
- Select greeting card sentiments
- Select intraocular lenses for surgery
- Select items for auction
- Select livestock
- Select material to process
- Select materials for orthodontic appliances
- Select metals for jewellery
- Select pattern material
- Select photos
- Select soap shaping plate
- Select unshelled almonds
- Select well equipment
- Send faulty equipment back to assembly line
- Separate by-products of pressed cocoa
- Sort cut parts of carcasses inside cooling compartments
- Sort textile items
- Sort tobacco leaves
- Sort waste