
Assess operating cost


Estimate the operating cost in terms of manpower, consumables and maintenance.

Alternative labels

estimating operating cost
estimation of operating cost
estimate operating cost
operating cost estimation
operating cost assessment
estimating of operating cost
assessment of operating cost
assessing of operating cost
assessing operating cost

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Assess operating cost is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Mine manager: Mine managers control, direct, plan and coordinate mining production activities. They have statutory responsibility for safety and are also responsible for environmental impact. They oversee the acquisition, installation, maintenance and storage of mining plant and equipment. They lead and manage according to the organisation’s code of conduct.

Optional skill

Assess operating cost is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Air traffic safety technician: Air traffic safety technicians provide technical support regarding the safety of air traffic control and navigation systems. They design, maintain, install and operate these systems both in the airport and on board the aeroplane according to regulations.
Quarry engineer: Quarry engineers analyse which extraction methods such as excavating, drilling and blasting are most suited to extract raw materials from the ground. They develop plans before a new quarry is opened, assessing if the quarry is profitable. Quarry engineers manage the everyday operations in a quarry, create and maintain progress reports, oversee the staff, ensure health and safety and assess the environmental impact a quarry has on its environment.
Marine engineering technician: Marine engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help marine engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of all types of boats from pleasure crafts to naval vessels, including submarines. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings.
Aerospace engineering technician: Aerospace engineering technicians work with aerospace engineers to operate, maintain and test equipment used on aircraft and spacecraft. They review blueprints and instructions to determine test specifications and procedures. They use software to make sure that parts of a spacecraft or aircraft are functioning properly. They record test procedures and results, and make recommendations for changes.
Rolling stock engineering technician: Rolling stock engineering technicians carry out technical functions to help rolling stock engineers with the design, development, manufacturing and testing processes, installation and maintenance of rail vehicles such as wagons, multiple units, carriages and locomotives. They also conduct experiments, collect and analyse data and report their findings.
Production engineering technician: Production engineering technicians plan production, follow up production processes and develop and test solutions to solve technical problems. They work closely with engineers and technologists, inspect products, conduct tests, conduct tests collect data.
Mine geologist: Mine geologists locate, identify, quantify and classify mineral resources and their geological characteristics and structure. They provide advice to mine managers and engineers at existing and prospective mineral operations.
Automotive designer: Automotive designers create model designs in 2D or 3D and prepare isometric drawings and graphics. They also conduct research collecting data about (new) materials, market trends and production processes.
Product development engineering technician: Product development engineering technicians improve efficiency of product development, set up equipment and develop and test solutions to solve technical problems. They work closely with engineers and technologists, inspect products, conduct tests and collect data.
Automotive engineering technician: Automotive engineering technicians work with automotive engineers to operate, repair, maintain and test equipment used in motor vehicles. In some environments, such as an airport they are responsible for keeping equipment and vehicles serviceable. They review blueprints and designs to determine test specifications and procedures. Automotive engineering technicians use software to make sure that parts of a motor vehicle are functioning properly. They record test procedures and results, and make recommendations for changes.
Process engineering technician: Process engineering technicians work closely with engineers to evaluate the existing processes and configure manufacturing systems to reduce cost, improve sustainability and develop best practices within the production process.
Mine planning engineer: Mine planning engineers design future mine layouts capable of achieving production and mine development objectives, taking into account the geological characteristics and structure of the mineral resource. They prepare production and development schedules and monitor progress against these.
Mechanical engineering technician: Mechanical engineering technicians provide technical support to mechanical engineers in producing and manufacturing mechanical machinery. They help make designs and adjustments, and perform tests. They also develop layouts and drawings, collate and interpret data and write reports.
Industrial engineering technician: Industrial engineering technicians assist industrial engineers in improving efficiency, safety and productivity in manufacturing plants. They conduct production studies, prepare layouts for machinery and equipment and suggest solutions to remedy quality problems.
Mine electrical engineer: Mine electrical engineers supervise the procurement, installation and maintenance of mining electrical equipment, using their knowledge of electrical and electronic principles. They organise the replacement and repair of electrical equipment and components.
Mine mechanical engineer: Mine mechanical engineers supervise the procurement, installation, removal and maintenance of mining mechanical equipment, using their knowledge of mechanical specifications. They organise the replacement and repair of mechanical equipment and components.




  1. Assess operating cost – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022