Perform small vessel safety procedures


Implement emergency measures of health care to sick and injured on board, according to established procedures to minimise potential injuries or illnesses.

Alternative labels

small vessel safety procedures performing
perform safety procedures on small vessel
small vessel safety procedures implementing
performing safety procedures on small vessel
implementing small vessel safety procedures
implement small vessel safety procedures
implementing safety procedures on small vessel
implement safety procedures on small vessel
performing small vessel safety procedures

Skill type


Skill reusability level


Relationships with occupations

Essential skill

Perform small vessel safety procedures is an essential skill of the following occupations:

Optional skill

Perform small vessel safety procedures is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.

Mechanical engineer: Mechanical engineers research, plan and design mechanical products and systems and supervise the fabrication, operation, application, installation and repair of systems and products. They research and analyse data.
Steward/stewardess: Stewards/stewardesses perform food and beverage service activities on all land, sea and air travel services.
Ship steward/ship stewardess: Ship stewards and ship stewardesses work on board the vessel to provide services to passengers such as serving meals, housekeeping, welcoming passengers and explaining safety procedures.
Marine engineer: Marine engineers design, build, maintain and repair the hull, mechanical, electronic equipment and auxiliary systems such as engines, pumps, heating, ventilation, generator sets. They work on all types of boats from pleasure crafts to naval vessels, including submarines.
Marine chief engineer: Marine chief engineers are responsible for the entire technical operations of the vessel including engineering, electrical, and mechanical divisions. They are the head of the entire engine department aboard the ship. They have overall responsibility for all technical operations and equipment on-board the ship. Marine chief engineers collaborate on security, survival and health care on board, observe the national and international standards of application.
Aquaculture mooring manager: Aquaculture mooring managers carry out and supervise the mooring of cages in stable stations, drifting cages or even self-propelled and semi-submerged cages. They safely operate and moor a variety of different types of large-scale cages, manage conditions such as currents, wave climate and seabed profile, in open or semi-open water areas.




  1. Perform small vessel safety procedures – ESCO


Last updated on September 20, 2022