S3.3.1 - complying with health and safety procedures
- Act as contact person during equipment incident
- Adhere to health well-being and safety
- Adhere to OHSAS 18001
- Adhere to standards of national and international safety programmes
- Apply HACCP
- Apply health and safety standards
- Apply health and safety when picking
- Apply measures to prevent snow removal safety hazards
- Apply radiation protection procedures
- Apply safe work practices in a veterinary setting
- Apply safety management
- Apply safety procedures in laboratory
- Assemble health and safety resources
- Assess HACCP implementation in plants
- Assume responsibility for maintaining a safe ship environment
- Balance the project requirements with health and safety concerns
- Comply with electrical safety regulations
- Comply with food safety and hygiene
- Comply with legislation related to health care
- Comply with railway safety standards
- Comply with the principles of self-defence
- Comply with veterinary inspection standards
- Conduct fire safety inspections
- Conform to cosmetics regulatory requirements
- Consider ergonomic aspects of urban transportation
- Contribute to protecting individuals from harm
- Control food safety regulations
- Enforce health and safety regulations for bread products
- Enforce railway safety regulations
- Enforce regulations of selling tobacco to minors
- Enforce safety procedures when working at heights
- Enforce sanitation procedures
- Ensure adherence to aerodrome procedures
- Ensure annual safety inspections
- Ensure aquaculture personnel health and safety
- Ensure cage safety requirements are followed
- Ensure compliance with airport security measures
- Ensure compliance with noise standards
- Ensure compliance with radiation protection regulations
- Ensure compliance with safety legislation
- Ensure health and safety in escort services
- Ensure health and safety in manufacturing
- Ensure health and safety of customers
- Ensure health and safety of dive teams
- Ensure health and safety of staff
- Ensure health and safety of visitors
- Ensure implementation of safe driving practices
- Ensure maintenance of fuel distribution facilities
- Ensure no harmful effects on feed additives
- Ensure operability of protective equipment
- Ensure passage metal detection
- Ensure pharmacovigilance
- Ensure proper visualisation of the operating site
- Ensure safe loading of goods according to stowage plan
- Ensure safe operation of railway during repairs
- Ensure safety in electrical power operations
- Ensure safety in hospitality establishment
- Ensure safety in international aviation
- Ensure safety in the production area
- Ensure safety of exercise environment
- Ensure safety of exhibition
- Ensure safety of healthcare users
- Ensure safety of mobile electrical systems
- Ensure safety regulations in dealing with infectious diseases
- Ensure stock storage safety
- Execute safety assurance exercises
- Fasten safety devices
- Follow airport safety procedures
- Follow health and safety precautions in social care practices
- Follow health and safety procedures in construction
- Follow hygienic practices in fishery operations
- Follow hygienic procedures during food processing
- Follow hygienic work practices
- Follow industry codes of practice for aviation safety;
- Follow nuclear plant safety precautions
- Follow procedures in the event of an alarm
- Follow safety precautions in a gaming room
- Follow safety precautions in fishery operations
- Follow safety precautions in printing
- Follow safety precautions in work practices
- Follow safety procedures when working at heights
- Follow safety standards in industrial contexts
- Follow up on safety breaches
- Follow zoo safety precautions
- Foster compliance with health and safety rules by setting an example
- Guarantee students' safety
- Handle scanning material safely
- Have a high level of safety awareness
- Identify surveillance devices
- Implement airside safety procedures
- Implement safety management systems
- Implement the airside safety auditing system
- Initiate life preserving measures
- Install safety devices
- Maintain a safe, hygienic and secure working environment
- Maintain facility security systems
- Maintain safety systems
- Maintain vessel safety and emergency equipment
- Manage health and safety
- Manage health and safety standards
- Manage infection control in the facility
- Manage major incidents
- Manage operational safety on trains
- Manage safety standards for inland water transport
- Manage safety standards for maritime water transport
- Minimise occupational hazards in dentistry practice
- Monitor customer safety on apron
- Monitor well safety
- Pay attention to safety while performing forestry operations
- Perform high risk work
- Perform small vessel safety measures
- Perform small vessel safety procedures
- Prepare and execute regular safety exercises
- Prevent damage in a furnace
- Prevent fire in a performance environment
- Prevent health and safety problems
- Prevent work accidents
- Protect health and safety when handling animals
- Recognise the hazards of dangerous goods
- Regulate animal health standards
- Safely detonate explosives
- Select hazard control
- Set safety and security standards
- Supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings
- Supervise worker safety
- Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment
- Take action on food safety violations
- Take measures against flammability
- Test soil load bearing capacity
- Undertake navigation safety actions
- Use of air traffic services document
- Use paint safety equipment
- Use personal protection equipment
- Use safety equipment in construction
- Verify distillation safety
- Wear appropriate protective gear
- Wear cleanroom suit
- Wear protective equipment against industrial noise
- Work ergonomically
- Work safely with chemicals
- Work safely with pyrotechnical materials in a performance environment
- Work with respect for own safety