Vineyard supervisors supervise the work done in the vineyards, organise all work related to the vineyard in order to obtain good quality grapes produced in respect of the environment. They are responsible for the technical management of the vineyard and the wine frames and seasonal staff agents.
Other titles
The following job titles also refer to vineyard supervisor:
supervisor of a winery
supervisor of a vineyard
Minimum qualifications
A high school diploma is generally required to work as a vineyard supervisor.
ISCO skill level
ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:
- the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
- the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
- the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.
Vineyard supervisor is a Skill level 2 occupation.
Vineyard supervisor career path
Similar occupations
These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to vineyard supervisor.
vineyard machinery operator
vineyard manager
agronomic crop production team leader
crop production manager
mixed farmer
Long term prospects
These occupations require some skills and knowledge of vineyard supervisor. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of vineyard supervisor with a significant experience and/or extensive training.
viticulture adviser
agricultural technician
footwear quality control laboratory technician
footwear quality technician
Essential knowledge and skills
Essential knowledge
This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of vineyard supervisor.
- Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry: Awareness on environmental legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the environment of local agricultural procedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new environmental regulations and policies.
- Pest control in plants: Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.
- Fertilisation principles: The study of plant, soil structure, climatic and environmental issues in agronomical production.
- Plant harvest methods: The various methods, timing and equipment involved in harvesting different crops and plants.
- Health and safety regulations: Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.
- Plant disease control: Types and features of diseases in plants and crops. Different kinds control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.
- Variety of grapes: Varieties of grapes and the types of wine that can be produced with them. Specifications during fermentation and the treatment of the juice during the process.
Essential skills and competences
These skills are necessary for the role of vineyard supervisor.
- Harvest grapes: Harvest wine grapes.
- Evaluate vineyard quality: Help in assessing the vineyard and varietal fruit. Supervise receipt and evaluation of fruit according to quality parameters and specifications.
- Plant vine yards: Perform planting preparation activities, plant vines and install trellis.
- Supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings: Ensure that hygiene procedures in agricultural settings are followed, taking into account the regulations of specific areas of action e.q. livestock, plants, local farm products, etc.
- Plan the work of teams and individuals: Plan the work of teams and individuals. Assess the work of teams and individuals. Provide feedback to teams and individuals on work carried out. Support and mentor individuals and teams. Prepare work instructions for new tasks.
- Maintain plant soil nutrition: Manage and support overall soil nutrition. Practice sustainable gardening techniques and integrated pest management in gardens both outdoor and indoor.
- Monitor grapes: Monitor the growth of grapes to ensure their quality. Determine the correct time for harvest. Test the grapes as necessary to ensure fruit quality.
- Evaluate employees work: Evaluate the need for labour for the work ahead. Evaluate the performance of the team of workers and inform superiors. Encourage and support the employees in learning, teach them techniques and check the application to ensure product quality and labour productivity.
- Maintain vineyard machinery: Maintain vineyard machinery and equipment, identifying problems and performing basic repairs.
- Manage pest and weed control: Manage pest and weeds manually or by machine with the use of biological or chemicals
- Maintain plant health: Manage and support overall plant health. Practice sustainable gardening techniques and integrated pest management in gardens both outdoor and indoor.
- Monitor daily work: Planning the day’s work and assigns tasks equally to the workers and employees at harvest accordance with the plans drawn up by his superior, explains the work to do, advises workers on their work to guide them. Monitors the progress of activities and resolve issues, if any. Prepares equipment and ensures the availability and proper functioning of the tools.
- Drive agricultural machines: Drive tractors, forklifts and other vehicles to transport crops. Move equipment in fields and around buildings, making the appropriate adjustments and maneuvers.
- Develop grape growing techniques: Develop growing techniques for wine grapes to improve wine quality and returns. Work on trellis design, canopy and fruit management, plant physiology, growth regulators, vine capacity and crop load determinations.
- Evaluate vineyard problems: Detect and assess vineyard problems. Recommendations effective, timely and economic solutions to deliver fruit of a high quality.
Optional knowledge and skills
Optional knowledge
This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of vineyard supervisor. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
- Organic farming: Principles, techniques and regulations of organic farming. Organic farming or ecological agriculture is an agricultural production method, which places a strong emphasis on environmental protection and ecological balance.
- Agronomy: The study of combining agriculture production and protection and regeneration of natural environment. Includes the principles and methods of critical selection and adequate application methods for sustainability in agriculture.
Optional skills and competences
These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of vineyard supervisor. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
- Operate agricultural machinery: Operate motorised agricultural equipment including tractors, balers, sprayers, ploughs, mowers, combines, earthmoving equipment, trucks, and irrigation equipment.
- Manage agricultural staff: Recruit and manage staff. This includes defining the job needs of the organisation, defining the criteria and process for recruitment. Develop the competences of the staff according current and future needs of the company and individuals. Ensure health and safety of the staff, including the implementation of all relevant health and safety procedures and relatations with regular follow-up procedures.
- Provide agri-touristic services: Provide services for agri-tourism activities on the farm. This may include providing Bed and Breakfast services, small scale catering, supporting agri-tourism activities and leisure such as riding, locally guided tours, giving information on farm production and history and selling of small-scale local farm products.
- Manage agri-tourism activites: Manage staff for agri-tourism activities on the farm such as planning and promoting products and services, B & B services, small scale catering, agri-tourism activities and leaisure or selling of small-scale local farm products. Train staff to carry out the different services according to the plan.
- Execute disease and pest control activities: Execute disease and pest control activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the climate, plant or crop type, health and safety and environmental regulations. Store and handle pesticides in accordance with recommendation and legislation.
ISCO group and title
6112 – Tree and shrub crop growers
- Vineyard supervisor – ESCO