Vineyard managers orchestrate the conduct of the vineyard and the winery, in some cases also the administration and marketing.
Other titles
The following job titles also refer to vineyard manager:
manager of a vineyard
manager of a winery
winery manager
ISCO skill level
ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:
- the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
- the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
- the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.
Vineyard manager is a Skill level 2 occupation.
Vineyard manager career path
Similar occupations
These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to vineyard manager.
vineyard cellar master
vineyard supervisor
mixed farmer
vineyard machinery operator
agronomic crop production team leader
Long term prospects
These occupations require some skills and knowledge of vineyard manager. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of vineyard manager with a significant experience and/or extensive training.
viticulture adviser
department store manager
accommodation manager
shop manager
hardware and paint shop manager
Essential knowledge and skills
Essential knowledge
This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of vineyard manager.
- Environmental legislation in agriculture and forestry: Awareness on environment legislation, policies, principles relevant for agriculture and forestry. Awareness of the impact on the environment of local agricultural procedures and practices. Means to adjust the production to new environmental regulations and policies.
- Viticulture: Understanding of vine growth and principles of viticulture.
- Agricultural business management: Understand business principles behind agricultural production and the marketing of its products.
- Pest control in plants: Types and features of pests in plants and crops. Different kinds of pest control methods, activities using conventional or biological methods taking into account the type of plant or crop, environmental and climate conditions and health and safety regulations. Storage and handling of products.
- Wine related sciences: Sciences such as chemistry, biology and microbiology, as well as laboratory skills, where they concern wine.
- Fertilisation principles: The study of plant, soil structure, climatic and environmental issues in agronomical production.
- Winery production process: Winery production processes and safety requirements. Winemaking principles. Engineering and flow process technology (pumps and hoses).
- Health and safety regulations: Necessary health, safety, hygiene and environmental standards and legislation rules in the sector of particular activity.
Essential skills and competences
These skills are necessary for the role of vineyard manager.
- Manage technical aspects of vineyard production: Control the production process in terms of quantity and quality. Decide about new pratices in vineyard and winery by using internal information and consultation processes.
- Supervise pest and disease control: Scout for pest damage, order pesticides as needed and within given budget, supervise mixing and application of pesticides, maintain records of pesticide application.
- Control grape quality: Discuss the quality and quantity of the grapes with viticulturists throughout the growing season.
- Manage budgets: Plan, monitor and report on the budget.
- Manage wine production: Manage the wine production and review the production pipeline and volumes.
- Manage agricultural staff: Recruit and manage staff. This includes defining the job needs of the organisation, defining the criteria and process for recruitment. Develop the competences of the staff according current and future needs of the company and individuals. Ensure health and safety of the staff, including the implementation of all relevant health and safety procedures and relations with regular follow-up procedures.
- Manage production enterprise: Organise and instruct staff, plan production strategies and programmes including sales. Carry out input purchase orders, materials, equipment and manage stocks etc. Awareness of demands of the businesses customers and adjustments accordingly to plans and strategies. Estimate resources and control budget of enterprise applying business economics, production development and project management principles.
- Supervise hygiene procedures in agricultural settings: Ensure that hygiene procedures in agricultural settings are followed, taking into account the regulations of specific areas of action e.q. livestock, plants, local farm products, etc.
- Monitor grounds maintenance: Supervise ground operations, such as mulching, weeding, bush-hogging, sweeping all walk areas, removing snow, repairing fences, and picking up trash.
- Manage chemical testing procedures: Manage the procedures to be used in chemical testing by designing them and conducting tests accordingly.
- Control wine quality: Taste the wine and strive to improve the quality. Develop new styles of wine. Making sure that quality is maintained during all production stages, including when it is bottled. Record quality checks line with specifications. Assume responsibility for the maintenance of all quality parameters for all wines.
- Evaluate vineyard problems: Detect and assess vineyard problems. Recommendations effective, timely and economic solutions to deliver fruit of a high quality.
Optional knowledge and skills
Optional knowledge
This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of vineyard manager. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
- Business management principles: Principles governing business management methods such as strategy planning, methods of efficient production, people and resources coordination.
- Organic farming: Principles, techniques and regulations of organic farming. Organic farming or ecological agriculture is an agricultural production method, which places a strong emphasis on environmental protection and ecological balance.
- Agronomy: The study of combining agriculture production and protection and regeneration of natural environment. Includes the principles and methods of critical selection and adequate application methods for sustainability in agriculture.
Optional skills and competences
These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of vineyard manager. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
- Implement marketing strategies: Implement strategies which aim to promote a specific product or service, using the developed marketing strategies.
- Maintain relationship with customers: Build a lasting and meaningful relationship with customers in order to ensure satisfaction and fidelity by providing accurate and friendly advice and support, by delivering quality products and services and by supplying after-sales information and service.
- Use different communication channels: Make use of various types of communication channels such as verbal, handwritten, digital and telephonic communication with the purpose of constructing and sharing ideas or information.
- Develop grape growing techniques: Develop growing techniques for wine grapes to improve wine quality and returns. Work on trellis design, canopy and fruit management, plant physiology, growth regulators, vine capacity and crop load determinations.
- Implement sales strategies: Carry out the plan to gain competitive advantage on the market by positioning the company’s brand or product and by targeting the right audience to sell this brand or product to.
- Manage agri-tourism activites: Manage staff for agri-tourism activities on the farm such as planning and promoting products and services, B & B services, small scale catering, agri-tourism activities and leaisure or selling of small-scale local farm products. Train staff to carry out the different services according to the plan.
ISCO group and title
6112 – Tree and shrub crop growers
- Vineyard manager – ESCO