Check the daily and long term schedules for rehearsal, training, performances, season, tour, etc., taking into account the project timeline and all the preparations required by the production.
For this skill it is essential to know about occupational and intellectual property regulations.
Alternative labels
check the schedule of production
assess the production schedule
consult the production timetable
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with skills
Essential skill
Check the production schedule is essential to master the following skills:
Meet commitments
Work efficiently
Attend to detail
Process qualitative information
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Check the production schedule is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Dancer: Dancers interpret ideas, feelings, stories or characters for audiences by using movement and body language mostly accompanied by music. This normally involves interpreting the work of a choreographer or a traditional repertory, although it may sometimes require improvisation.
Circus artist: Circus artists develop original performance pieces showcasing great artistic and performing skills, emotive depth and artistic proposals for the general public. Alone, or collectively, they may perform one or more traditional or original circus disciplines, which are usually based on physical capabilities such as strength, balance, agility, flexibility, ability and coordination of body parts, and combined with performance disciplines such as dance, theatre, mime etc. The physical nature of the exercises performed often includes a certain level of risk for the performer.
Post-production supervisor: Post-production supervisors oversee the whole post-production process. They work together with the music editor and video and motion picture editor. Post production supervisors help plan the production workflow to make sure the post production phase is included and budgeted for. They ensure that the final product is delivered and distributed.
Circus arts teacher: Circus arts teachers instruct students in a recreational context in the various circus techniques and acts such as trapeze acts, juggling, mime, acrobatics, hooping, tightrope walking, object manipulation, unicycling tricks, etc. They provide students with a notion of circus history and repertoire, but mainly focus on a practice-based approach in their courses, in which they assist students in experimenting with and mastering different circus techniques, styles and acts and encourage them to develop their own style. They cast, direct and produce circus performances, and coordinate the technical production and possible set, props and costume usage on stage.
Perfume production machine operator: Perfume production machine operators tend machinery for the manufacturing of perfumes by setting up the machines and tools, cleaning and maintaining the equipment and abiding by the production schedule.
Cosmetics production machine operator: Cosmetics production machine operators tend machinery for the manufacturing of cosmetic products by setting up the machines and tools, cleaning and maintaining the equipment and abiding by the production schedule.
Optional skill
Check the production schedule is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Accountants review and analyse financial statements, budgets, financial reports, and business plans in order to check for irregularities resulting from error or fraud, and provide their clients with financial advice in matters such as financial forecasting and risk analysis. They may audit financial data, resolve insolvency cases, prepare tax returns and provide other tax-related advice in reference to current legislation.