
Cultural centre directors manage operations of a cultural community centre, they organise and promote cultural activities and events, manage staff, and aim to promote the overall inclusion of cultural programmes in the community.

Other titles

The following job titles also refer to cultural centre director:

director of arts center
director of cultural center
cultural center manager
director of cultural centre
center director
arts centre director
arts centre manager
community center manager
director of arts centre
cultural centre manager
arts center director
centre director

Minimum qualifications

Bachelor’s degree is generally required to work as cultural centre director. However, this requirement may differ in some countries.

ISCO skill level

ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:

  • the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
  • the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
  • the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.

Cultural centre director is a Skill level 3 occupation.

Cultural centre director career path

Similar occupations

These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to cultural centre director.

cultural facilities manager
performance production manager
lottery manager
gambling manager
zoo curator

Long term prospects

These occupations require some skills and knowledge of cultural centre director. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of cultural centre director with a significant experience and/or extensive training.

cultural policy officer
arts education officer
mediation and education manager
sports programme coordinator
youth programme director

Essential knowledge and skills

Essential knowledge

This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of cultural centre director.

Cultural projects: The purpose, organisation and management of cultural projects and related fundraising actions.
Corporate social responsibility: The handling or managing of business processes in a responsible and ethical manner considering the economic responsibility towards shareholders as equally important as the responsibility towards environmental and social stakeholders.
Budgetary principles: Principles of estimating and planning of forecasts for business activity, compile regular budget and reports.

Essential skills and competences

These skills are necessary for the role of cultural centre director.

Manage supplies: Monitor and control the flow of supplies that includes the purchase, storage and movement of the required quality of raw materials, and also work-in-progress inventory. Manage supply chain activities and synchronise supply with demand of production and customer.
Create cultural venue outreach policies: Draw up outreach policies for the museum and any art facility, and a programme of activities directed at all target audiences. Set up a network of exterior contacts to relay information to target audiences to this end.
Evaluate cultural venue programmes: Assist with the appraisal and evaluation of museum and any art facility programmes and activities.
Liaise with event sponsors: Plan meetings with sponsors and event organisers to discuss and monitor upcoming events.
Liaise with cultural partners: Establish and maintain sustainable partnerships with cultural authorities, sponsors and other cultural institutions.
Manage budgets: Plan, monitor and report on the budget.
Liaise with local authorities: Maintain the liaison and exchange of information with regional or local authorities.
Work with cultural venue specialists: Call upon the competence of other professionals and specialists, from within and outside the organisation, to contribute to activities and provide documents to improve public access to collections and exhibitions.
Work within communities: Establish social projects aimed at community development and active citizen participation.
Build community relations: Establish affectionate and long-lasting relationships with local communities, e.g. by organising special programms for kindergarden, schools and for dissabled and older people, raising awareness and receiving community appreciation in return.
Strive for company growth: Develop strategies and plans aiming at achieving a sustained company growth, be the company self-owned or somebody else’s. Strive with actions to increase revenues and positive cash flows.
Manage staff: Manage employees and subordinates, working in a team or individually, to maximise their performance and contribution. Schedule their work and activities, give instructions, motivate and direct the workers to meet the company objectives. Monitor and measure how an employee undertakes their responsibilities and how well these activities are executed. Identify areas for improvement and make suggestions to achieve this. Lead a group of people to help them achieve goals and maintain an effective working relationship among staff.
Manage health and safety standards: Oversee all personnel and processes to comply with health, safety and hygiene standards. Communicate and support alignment of these requirements with the company’s health and safety programmes.
Create cultural venue learning strategies: Create and develop a learning strategy to engage the public in line with the ethos of the museum or the art facility.
Manage operational budgets: Prepare, monitor and adjust operational budgets together with the economical/administrative manager/professionals in the arts institute/unit/project.
Establish daily priorities: Establish daily priorities for staff personnel. Effectively deal with multi-task workload.

Develop promotional tools: Generate promotional material and collaborate in the production of promotional text, videos, photos, etc. Keep previous promotional material organised.
Promote cultural venue events: Work together with museum or any art facility staff to develop and promote its events and programme.
Supervise daily information operations: Direct daily operations of different units. Coordinate program/project activities to assure the respect of costs and time.
Develop cultural activities: Develop activities adapted to the outreach and/or audience. Take into account difficulties and needs observed and identified from the perspective of enhancing curiosity and general capability to access to art and culture.
Manage logistics: Create logistic framework for transporting goods to customers and for receiving returns, execute and follow up the logistics processes and guidelines.
Delegate activities: Delegate activities and tasks to others according to the ability, level of preparation, competence and legal scope of practice. Make sure that people understand what they should do and when they should do it.
Plan health and safety procedures: Set up procedures for maintaining and improving health and safety in the workplace.
Promote inclusion: Promote inclusion in health care and social services and respect diversity of beliefs, culture, values and preferences, keeping in mind the importance of equality and diversity issues.
Develop cultural policies: Develop programmes which aim to promote cultural activities and cultural engagement in a community or nation, and which regulate the organisation of cultural institutions, facilities and events.
Evaluate cultural venue visitor needs: Assess the needs and expectations of museum and any art facility visitors in order to regularly develop new programmes and activities.
Organise cultural events: Arrange events in cooperation with local stakeholders which promote local culture and heritage.
Follow company standards: Lead and manage according to the organisation’s code of conduct.

Optional knowledge and skills

Optional knowledge

This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of cultural centre director. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

Project management principles: Different elements and phases of project management.

Optional skills and competences

These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of cultural centre director. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.

Represent the organisation: Act as representative of the institution, company or organisation to the outside world.
Maintain relations with local representatives: Maintain good relations with representatives of the local scientific, economic and civil society.
Coordinate events: Lead events by managing budget, logistics, event support, security, emergency plans and follow up.
Establish collaborative relations: Establish a connection between organisations or individuals which may benefit from communicating with one another in order to facilitate an enduring positive collaborative relationship between both parties.
Manage cultural facility: Manage the daily operations of a cultural facility. Organise all activities and coordinate the different departments functioning within a cultural facility. Develop a plan of action and arrange the necessary funds.
Maintain relationships with government agencies: Establish and maintain cordial working relationships with peers in different governmental agencies.
Apply strategic thinking: Apply generation and effective application of business insights and possible opportunities, in order to achieve competitive business advantage on a long-term basis.
Supervise event staff: Select, train and supervise volunteers and support staff required for events.
Set organisational policies: Participate in setting organisational policies that cover issues such as participant eligibility, program requirements, and program benefits for the service users.
Fix meetings: Fix and schedule professional appointments or meetings for clients or superiors.
Manage fundraising activities: Initiate fundraising activities managing the place, teams involved, causes and budgets.
Develop professional network: Reach out to and meet up with people in a professional context. Find common ground and use your contacts for mutual benefit. Keep track of the people in your personal professional network and stay up to date on their activities.
Evaluate events: Evaluate the success of recently organised events, making recommendations to improve future events.
Perform project management: Manage and plan various resources, such as human resources, budget, deadline, results, and quality necessary for a specific project, and monitor the project’s progress in order to achieve a specific goal within a set time and budget.
Promote cultural venue in schools: Contact schools and teachers to promote the use of museum collections and activities.

ISCO group and title

1431 – Sports, recreation and cultural centre managers





  1. Cultural centre director – ESCO
Last updated on August 8, 2022