Operations managers plan, oversee and coordinate the daily operations of production of goods and provision of services. They also formulate and implement company policies and plan the use of human resources and materials.
Other titles
The following job titles also refer to operations manager:
operations general manager
operations supervisor
operations administrator
business operations manager
division operations manager
operations director
Minimum qualifications
Bachelor’s degree is generally required to work as operations manager. However, this requirement may differ in some countries.
ISCO skill level
ISCO skill level is defined as a function of the complexity and range of tasks and duties to be performed in an occupation. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 the lowest level and 4 the highest, by considering:
- the nature of the work performed in an occupation in relation to the characteristic tasks and duties
- the level of formal education required for competent performance of the tasks and duties involved and
- the amount of informal on-the-job training and/or previous experience in a related occupation required for competent performance of these tasks and duties.
Operations manager is a Skill level 4 occupation.
Operations manager career path
Similar occupations
These occupations, although different, require a lot of knowledge and skills similar to operations manager.
energy manager
facilities manager
programme manager
security manager
project manager
Promotions or specializations
These occupations require some skills and knowledge of operations manager. They also require other skills and knowledge, but at a higher ISCO skill level, meaning these occupations are accessible from a position of operations manager with a significant experience and/or extensive training.
Essential knowledge and skills of operations manager
Essential knowledge
This knowledge should be acquired through learning to fulfill the role of operations manager.
Corporate social responsibility
Essential skills and competences
These skills are necessary for the role of operations manager.
Manage supplies
Manage budgets
Strive for company growth
Manage staff
Establish daily priorities
Ensure equipment availability
Supervise daily information operations
Manage logistics
Plan health and safety procedures
Ensure equipment maintenance
Liaise with managers
Follow company standards
Optional knowledge and skills of operations manager
Optional knowledge
This knowledge is sometimes, but not always, required for the role of operations manager. However, mastering this knowledge allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
Energy market
Cleaning industry health and safety measures
Internal risk management policy
Gas market
Electricity consumption
Manufacturing processes
Consultation methods
Gas consumption
Legal use-of-force
Zero-energy building design
Multimodal transport logistics
Energy performance of buildings
Facilities management in the organisation
Security threats
Contract law
Fire safety regulations
Electrical power safety regulations
Building automation
Crowdsourcing strategy
Audit techniques
Outsourcing strategy
Project management
Organisational resilience
Cyber security
Energy efficiency
Quality standards
Employment law
Information confidentiality
Database quality standards
Industrial heating systems
Quality assurance methodologies
Security regulations
Insourcing strategy
Renewable energy technologies
Supply chain management
Optional skills and competences
These skills and competences are sometimes, but not always, required for the role of operations manager. However, mastering these skills and competences allows you to have more opportunities for career development.
Develop energy saving concepts
Create solutions to problems
Provide technical documentation
Compose energy performance contracts
Conduct energy audit
Monitor utility equipment
Perform pre-assembly quality checks
Make investment decisions
Write research proposals
Apply conflict management
Comply with food safety and hygiene
Inspect quality of products
Investigate security issues
Promote sustainable energy
Advise on utility consumption
Integrate headquarter’s guidelines into local operations
Perform risk analysis
Create project specifications
Maintain relationship with customers
Manage project information
Set quality assurance objectives
Analyse energy market trends
Handle customer complaints
Analyse energy consumption
Oversee planning of security systems
Control financial resources
Evaluate project plans
Record test data
Ensure compliance with noise standards
Advise on strengthening security
Create manufacturing guidelines
Define security policies
Oversee the facilities services budget
Apply change management
Maintain relationship with suppliers
Perform internal investigations
Maintain incident reporting records
Protect important clients
Define manufacturing quality criteria
Identify faults in utility meters
Provide cost benefit analysis reports
Recruit employees
Support managers
Liaise with government officials
Manage profitability
Estimate profitability
Establish site security routines
Inspect government policy compliance
Maintain facility security systems
Check quality of products on the production line
Oversee quality control
Interpret financial statements
Negotiate terms with suppliers
Calculate utility payments
Manage disaster recovery plans
Advise on potential safety hazards concerning heating systems
Promote sustainable management
Read standard blueprints
Manage the security team
Develop staff
Plan facilities management policies
Maintain customer service
Develop manufacturing policies
Manage major incidents
Analyse test data
Communicate test results to other departments
Advise on heating systems energy efficiency
Manage security equipment
Negotiate with stakeholders
Carry out energy management of facilities
Inspect building systems
Analyse financial performance of a company
Promote environmental awareness
Advise on efficiency improvements
Manage space utilisation
Handle surveillance equipment
Analyse internal factors of companies
Write work-related reports
Meet deadlines
Communicate problems to senior colleagues
Inspect industrial equipment
Identify energy needs
Assess supplier risks
Negotiate improvement with suppliers
Maintain relationships with stakeholders
Apply procurement
Inspect contracts for related grounds maintenance work
Develop business case
Impart business plans to collaborators
Adhere to organisational guidelines
Develop revenue generation strategies
Supervise work
Promote innovative infrastructure design
Use measurement instruments
Utilise economies of scale in projects
Identify legal requirements
Write security reports
Respond to burglar alarm systems
Manage emergency evacuation plans
Promote facilities management services
Write scientific papers
Develop energy policy
Collaborate on international energy projects
Manage project metrics
Manage maintenance operations
Manage several projects
Perform project management
Plan buildings maintenance work
Analyse external factors of companies
Inspect material
Undertake employee screening
Perform quality audits
Build business relationships
Budget for financial needs
Create a financial report
Lead disaster recovery exercises
Control of expenses
Estimate duration of work
Train employees
Assess financial viability
Liaise with security authorities
Manage outsourced security
Ensure inspections of facilities
Align efforts towards business development
Manage standard enterprise resource planning system
Shape organisational teams based on competencies
Implement corporate governance
Manage facilities services
Perform resource planning
Make strategic business decisions
Lead inspections
ISCO group and title
1321 – Manufacturing managers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics