Deliver thoughts and ideas in impactful and influencing manner to persuade customers to become interested in new products and promotions. Persuade clients that a product or service will satisfy their needs.
Alternative labels
make active selling
carry out active sales
carrying out active sales
carrying out active selling
oversee active selling
undertake active selling
complete active selling
Skill type
Skill reusability level
Relationships with occupations
Essential skill
Carry out active selling is an essential skill of the following occupations:
Hardware and paint specialised seller: Hardware and paint specialised sellers sell hardware, paints and other hardware in specialised shops.
Fish and seafood specialised seller: Fish and seafood specialised sellers sell fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialised shops.
Green coffee buyer: Green coffee buyers purchase green coffee beans from producers all around the world commissioned by coffee roasters. They have a deep knowledge of the process of coffee from the fruit to the cup.
Ammunition specialised seller: Ammunition specialised sellers sell weapons and ammunition for individual use in specialised shops.
Sporting accessories specialised seller: Sporting accessories specialised sellers sell sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles in specialised shops.
Bookshop specialised seller: Bookshop specialised sellers sell books in specialised shops. They also make suggestions, give advice about the books available and any other related products for sale in the specialised shop.
Clothing specialised seller: Clothing specialised sellers sell clothes in specialised shops.
Confectionery specialised seller: Confectionery specialised sellers sell confectionery in specialised shops.
Bakery specialised seller: Bakery specialised sellers sell bread and cakes in specialised shops, post-processing the products if required.
Pet and pet food specialised seller: Pet and pet food specialised sellers sell pets, pet foods, accessories, care products and related services in specialised shops.
Audiology equipment specialised seller: Audiology equipment specialised seller sell goods and equipment in specialised shops.
Computer games, multimedia and software specialised seller: Computer games, multimedia and software specialised sellers sell software products in specialised shops.
Network marketer: Network marketers apply various marketing strategies, including network marketing strategies to sell products and convince new people to also join in and start selling these products. They use personal relations to attract customers and sell various types of products.
Fuel station specialised seller: Fuel station specialised sellers sell fuel, lubricating and cooling products for motor vehicles and motorcycles in a fuel station.
Second-hand goods specialised seller: Second-hand goods specialised sellers sell second-hand goods such as books, clothes, appliances etc. in specialised shops.
Furniture specialised seller: Furniture specialised sellers sell furniture and other household articles in specialised shops.
Computer and accessories specialised seller: Computer and accessories specialised sellers sell computers and other peripheral units in specialised shops.
Fruit and vegetables specialised seller: Fruit and vegetables specialised sellers sell fruit and vegetables in specialised shops.
Textile specialised seller: Textile specialised sellers sell textiles, fabrics and haberdashery, etc. in specialised shops.
Specialised seller: Specialised sellers sell goods in specialised shops.
Eyewear and optical equipment specialised seller: Eyewear and optical equipment specialised sellers sell glasses in specialised shops.
Ticket issuing clerk: Ticket issuing clerks provide service to customers, sell tickets and fit the reservation offer to customers’ needs. They sell tickets for all events such as sporting, cultural and leisure activities. They provide customers with information on offers and make the necessary arrangements.
Beverages specialised seller: Beverages specialised sellers sell beverages in specialised shops.
Motor vehicles specialised seller: Motor vehicles specialised sellers sell cars and motors vehicles in specialised shops.
Building materials specialised seller: Building materials specialised sellers sell building materials in specialised shops.
Shoe and leather accessories specialised seller: Shoe and leather accessories specialised sellers sell footwear in specialised shops.
Cosmetics and perfume specialised seller: Cosmetics and perfume specialised sellers sell cosmetics and toilet articles in specialised shops.
Jewellery and watches specialised seller: Jewellery and watches specialised sellers sell, maintain and clean jewels and watches in specialised shops.
Toys and games specialised seller: Toys and games specialised sellers sell toys and games in specialised shops.
Domestic appliances specialised seller: Domestic appliances specialised sellers sell domestic appliances in specialised shops.
Orthopaedic supplies specialised seller: Orthopaedic supplies specialised sellers sell orthopaedic goods in specialised shops.
Meat and meat products specialised seller: Meat and meat products specialised sellers cut up and sell meat in specialised shops.
Sales assistant: Sales assistants represent the direct contact with clients. They provide general advice to customers.
Audio and video equipment specialised seller: Audio and video equipment specialised sellers sell audio and video equipment such as radio and television, CD, DVD etc. players and recorders in specialised shops.
Medical goods specialised seller: Medical goods specialised sellers dispense medicinal drugs and provide advice.
Door to door seller: Door to door sellers sell goods and services door to door.
Hawker: Hawkers sell goods and services on established routes, street and market locations.
Tobacco specialised seller: Tobacco specialised sellers sell tobacco products in specialised shops.
Casino pit boss: Casino pit bosses support the management team and are able to manage, inspect and deal with all gaming activities. They supervise the gaming floor operation, and are accountable for influencing the spend and income per head to achieve the required margin whilst ensuring that the highest standards of efficiency, security and signature service standards are achieved in accordance with all company procedures and current legislation.
Flower and garden specialised seller: Flower and garden specialised sellers sell flowers, plants, seeds and/or fertilisers in specialised shops.
Press and stationery specialised seller: Press and stationery specialised sellers sell newspapers and office supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, etc. in specialised shops.
Floor and wall coverings specialised seller: Floor and wall coverings specialised sellers sell wall and floor coverings in specialised shops.
Music and video shop specialised seller: Music and video shop specialised sellers sell musical records, audio tapes, compact discs, video tapes and DVDs in specialised shops.
Delicatessen specialised seller: Delicatessen specialised sellers sell delicatessen in specialised shops.
Telecommunications equipment specialised seller: Telecommunications equipment specialised sellers sell telecommunication equipment and services in specialised shops.
Specialised antique dealer: Specialised antique dealers sell antique goods in specialised shops.
Optional skill
Carry out active selling is optional for these occupations. This means knowing this skill may be an asset for career advancement if you are in one of these occupations.
Promotions demonstrator: Promotions demonstrators proactively seek out and engage with new potential clients. They provide product specific advice and demonstrate promotional goods or services.
Shop assistant: Shop assistants work in shops where they perform assistance duties. The help shopkeepers in their daily work such as ordering and refilling of goods and stock, providing general advice to customers, selling products and maintaining the shop.
Customer service representative: Customer service representatives handle complaints and are responsible for maintaining overall goodwill between an organisation and its customers. They manage data regarding customer satisfaction and report it.
Post office counter clerk: Post office counter clerks sell products and services at a post office. They assist customers with picking up and sending mail. Post office counter clerks also sell financial products.
Customer contact centre information clerk: Customer contact centre information clerks provide information to customers via the telephone and other media such as email. They answer inquiries about a company’s or oganisation’s services, products and policies.
Market vendor: Market vendors sell products such as fruit, vegetables and household products on organised outdoor or indoor market places. They use sales techniques to recommend their goods to passersby.
Street food vendor: Street food vendors sell food preparations, dishes and products on organised outdoor or indoor market places, or on the streets. They prepare the food in their stalls. Street food vendors use sales techniques to recommend their products to passers-by.
Live chat operator: Live chat operators respond to answers and requests posed by customers of all nature through online platforms in websites and online assistance services in real time. They are available to provide service through chat platforms and have the ability to solve inquiries of clients via written communication merely.
- Carry out active selling – ESCO